by Marvin Ramírez
Marvin Ramírez
FROM THE EDITOR: Given the latest tsunamis, earthquakes and hurricanes that have stricken several nations in the world, leaving many deaths and destruction, there are beliefs – based on scientific analysis -that those events might have been man-made. El Reportero found the following article, which due to its length it will be published in six parts. The is the forth part. In order to better read and follow up the complete story, we suggest you read part one, two and three in older editions in our website. You may access older editions at:
— In addition to the NEPA process described above, the Air Force and Navy would comply with all applicable state and federal regulations for construction and operation of the HAARP facility. Additional Information An updated version of this fact sheet will be issued as often as program changes warrant to keep interested parties apprised of significant developments in regard to HAARP. Any individual seeking additionalinformation about HAARP,or wishing to provide commentsregarding HAARP, can contact any one of the individuals listed below.
- Mr. John Heckscher
Phillips Laboratory
29 Randolph Road Hanscom AFB, MA 01731-3010
- Mr. Ralph Scott
3rd Wing Public Affairs Division
Elmendorf AFB, AK 99506
- Mr. Guy McConnell
Alaska District Corps of Engineers,
Planning Npaen-pl-er Anchorage, Alaska 99506-0898
I s H a a r p A S t a rwa r s W e a p o n ?
Defending against enemy missile attacks and other imagined threats has generated futuristic and science fiction sounding proposals better known as Starwars. Concepts and ideas circulated wildly throughout government, military and civilian circles. As the former Soviet Union broke up, the
backing for U.S. Starwars efforts evaporated and the spending on such projects was dropped. But not soon enough. Many experimental starwars research projects are still funded and being pursued by the military. HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), being constructed for the Air Force and Navy by an ARCO subsidiary, is such a project.
Touted as scientifi c research, HAARP is a thinly disguised project to “perturb” the ionosphere with extremely powerful beams of energy to see what military uses it can serve. According to the HAARP RFP, these energy beams will be used to “control ionospheric processes in such a way as to greatly enhance the performance of C3 systems (or, to deny accessibility to an adversary).” That sounds like a weapon to this writer. Other such projects go by the code names BIME, RED AIR, CRRES, E X C E D E , C H A R G E IV, WISP, ACTIVE, HIPAS, RADC, AIM, etc.
Nuclear bombs exploded in high altitude tests in the late fi fties and early sixties by both the U.S.S.R. and the U.S. caused weather and jet stream changes that lasted almost 20 years. Do the HAARP heaters offer the same potential as they “perturb” the ionosphere? The ionosphere is home to many benefi cial natural phenomena among them fi ltering the sun’s harmful rays and refl ecting radio waves used for communications.
Although not totally understood, the ionosphere also directly effects the weather systems and the jet streams. HAARP, “the most powerful facility (of its kind) in the world” is currently under construction near Gakona, Alaska. Other smaller ionospheric heaters of this type are already in operation in Norway, Ukraine, Russia, Tadzhikistan, Puerto Rico and Fairbanks (yes, right here in Alaska). Could tests and experiments with these ionospheric heaters already be changing global weather systems? Could they be a contributing cause for the floods in the U.S.? Could this be the kind of secret weapon that Zhirinovsky speaks of? Can these heaters change the earth’s magnetic fi elds as well and cause equal reactions half-way around the globe? Will we need to protect ourselves from the sun’s rays due to new holes in the ionosphere? What will happen to the individuals living near HAARP when it operates, will they be exposed to unnecessary risk of electromagnetic radiation?
Some of the specific language in the HAARP documents is quoted below:
“The HAARP is to ultimately have a HF {High Frequency} heater with an ERP {Effective Radiated Power} well above 1 gigawatt {1,000,000,000 watts} (on the order of 95-100 dBW); in short, the most powerful faci!ity in the world for conducting ionospheric modification research.”
“The Soviets, operating at higher powers than the West, now have claimed signifi cant stimulated ionization by electron-impact ionization. The claim is that HF energy, via wave-particle interaction, accelerates ionospheric electrons to energies well in excess of 20 electron volts (eV) so that they will ionize neutral atmospheric particles with which they collide. Given that the Soviet HF facilities are several times more powerful than the Western facilities at comparable midlatitudes, and given that the latter appear to be on a threshold of a new “waveparticle” regime of phenomena, it is believed that the Soviets have crossed that threshold and are exploring a regime of phenomena still unavailable for study or application in the West.”
“A key goal of the program {HAARP} is the identification and investigation of those ionospheric processes and phenomena that can be exploited for DoD purposes, such as outlined below. IT WILL CONTINUE ON THE NEXT EDITION.