Tuesday, March 4, 2025
HomeWe are losing the little money we make through inflation

We are losing the little money we make through inflation

by Marvin J. Ramirez

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ramirez

When we hear in the news, ‘the feds hit them,’ it usually means that the IRS, the FBI or any other federal agency cracked down on tax evaders or drug dealers.

But have you ever heard that the feds raid private people for using gold as their medium for bartering? It doesn’t sound right in a supposedly free society.

I sometime barter advertising space in the paper for services with merchants. And I would never imagine that the fed would come down on me and confiscate my newspaper for giving an ad space for a dinner for two to a restaurant owner.

A company that makes and distributes Liberty Dollar coins in various denominations late last year announced it was shutting down – for now – after a raid by FBI and U.S. Secret Service agents in which documents, records, coins and gold and silver were confiscated, reported WorldnetDaily.

According to the article, company information says Von NotHaus developed the Liberty Dollar in 1998 as an “inflation-proof” alternative currency to Federal Reserve Notes. The U.S. government, however, historically has taken a dim view of anything monetary that could be perceived as substituting for Federal Reserve Notes.

The Federal Reserve Notes – the green money we now use as currency – does not hold its value. For example, you worked all last year day and night, seven days a week, because you wanted to buy a brand new car for $20,000. You made the money and now you put it in the bank for two years. You might get 5 percent interest for having your money in the bank for one year. But what you’re not told is that the same car you wanted to by in two years, you won’t be able to purchase it with the same $20,000 you saved. And is not the car that went up in price, but rather your money that lost its value. When you are ready to buy the car, you will probably need $25,000 dollars to take it home.

You can buy one gallon of milk for $4.00 today, but you will need $4.50 or $5.00 to buy the same gallon of milk next year. I know, nobody teaches you in college that the money you are working so hard for today is not real money. All this time we have believed that we are making money. But we are not.

If we were paid in gold certificates or in goldbacked dollars, like it used to be 85 years ago, when there was no such thing as national debt, or debt mortgage, credit cards, etc., every penny you made would be your personal wealth, in gold value. And you could inherit to your children. Today, you can’t leave much if you bequeath Federal Reserve Notes to your kids.

The value shrinks year after year, until there is almost nothing left for them.

And the most amazing fact is that most us believe that the Federal Reserve is part of the federal governmental, but is not. It is instead “a cabal of private and international banks that does not answer to the United States government… For those who have made a serious inquiry, the Federal Reserve is shadowed in deceptive origins and fraudulent policies,” according to the WorldDaily.com.

Notice that no presidential candidates ever mention this subject, with the exception of Senator Ron Paul.

Gold standard is the way to go when saving our money. But in the absence of dollar gold, we can buy gold coins as a savings, if we want to keep our hard ­earned money intact. Otherwise, we make the money for others to steal it from us through their private, invented, inflationary money: Federal Reserve Notes.

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