Tuesday, March 4, 2025
HomeFrontpageWater contamination and its effect on our health

Water contamination and its effect on our health


“Man has lost the capacity to foresee and to forestall. He will end by destroying the earth.” Albert Schweitzer

Provided by It’s Healthy New Age

That is a pretty shocking quote, but when you study the impacts and choices the public and corporations in the U.S. are making regarding the production and farming of food along with the pollution and additives deposited into our water you’ll begin to get the point.

The causes of water contamination are numerous and range from agricultural runoff to improper use of household chemicals and everything in between.

While the standard use in our society of over 75,000 ­different chemical compounds has offered added convenience and productivity in our lives, it has also come at a tremendous price.

Drastic increase in degenerative diseases. In the early 1900s, before chlorine, pesticides, herbicides and the tens of thousands of other chemicals that we are exposed to, the average person had a 1 in 50 chance of getting cancer, today 1 in 3 can expect to get cancer in their lifetime, one out of every 2 men.

If you doubt this, you might want to watch the documentary, “The Future of Food.” A real eye opener and illustrates a lack of understanding of the implications of the use of pesticides and the desire to manipulate mother nature.

Water Treatment Facilities are Not Enough

Our municipal water treatment facilities are not designed or effective for removing these synthetic chemicals and typically only consist of sand bed filtration and disinfection, much like a standard swimming pool filter.

For the most part today’s water treatment facilities are much the same as they were at the turn of the century. “Drinking water plants are old and out of date, and water supplies are increasingly threatened by and contaminated by chemicals and microorganisms.” Natural Resources Defense Council. “The way we guarantee safe drinking water is broken and needs to be fi xed.” Carol Browner, U.S. EPA.

Man Made Chemicals and Contaminants in Our Water

Our use of man made chemicals has become so extreme that we can now fi nd traces of these low level toxins in virtually every public water supply in the world. A recent report by the Ralph Nader Study Group, after reviewing over 10,000 documents acquired through the Freedom Of Information Act, stated that “U.S. drinking water contains more than 2100 toxic chemicals that can cause cancer.”

The Federal Council On Environmental Quality reports that “Up to two thirds of all cancers may be attributed to these low level toxins.” and that “once contaminated our ground water will remain so for tens of thousands of years. if not geologic time!”

The majority of the contaminants found in our drinking water can be traced back to improper or excessive use of ordinary compounds like lawn chemicals, gasoline, cleaning products and ever prescription drugs.

­Once we realize that everything that goes down the drain, on our lawns, on our agricultural fields or into the environment by any means eventually winds up in the water we drink, we begin to see just how fragile our water supplies really are.

Authorities on Water Contamination Reports on Risk of Disease and Children

One of America’s leading authorities on water contamination, Dr. David Ozonoff of the Boston University Of Public Health warns that, “the risk of disease associated with public drinking water has passed from the theoretical to the real.” Many illnesses that in the past could not be linked to a probable cause, can now be directly linked to toxins in our drinking water.

The use of pesticides and herbicides has become so excessive that they are now commonly found in household tap water with alarming frequency.

A 1994 study of 29 major U.S. cities by the Environmental Working Group found that all 29 cities had traces of at least one weed killer in the drinking water. The report titled “Tap Water Blues” went on to say that “Millions of Americans are routinely exposed to one or more pesticides in a single glass of tap water.”

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