Wednesday, March 5, 2025
HomecolumnWashington has essentially declared war on Russia

Washington has essentially declared war on Russia

by Martin Berger

Nobel Peace Prize laureate, US President Barack Obama has been steadfastly pursuing a policy of armed interventions and conflicts across the globe longer and more extensively than any other president in recent US history. Now he’s sounding an advance against Russia, paying no heed to the fact that it may result in world war followed promptly by mutual nuclear annihilation.

One could hardly make a compelling argument how else one can explain the statement made by spokesperson for the US State Department, Rear Admiral John F. Kirby, other than a direct declaration of war. The statement reads as follows:

The consequences are that the civil war will continue in Syria, that extremists and extremists groups will continue to exploit the vacuums that are there in Syria to expand their operations, which will include, no question, attacks against Russian interests, perhaps even Russian cities, and Russia will continue to send troops home in body bags, and they will continue to lose resources – even, perhaps, more aircraft…

The very same modus operandi was employed a quarter of a century ago to take down the Soviet Union. In the late 1980’s America decided it was in a position to catch the “evil empire” in an Afghan trap through the support it would provide armed terrorists that have now transformed themselves into “moderate terrorists,” including Al-Qaeda. In the 1980’s, Washington took advantage of Saudi wealth and Pakistan’s secret service. That’s how the so-called Afghan resistance was born, enjoying Pakistani logistical support and streams of “fresh recruits” from all across the Middle East.

The former US Secretary of State and now a presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, openly declared back in 2012 that it was a great idea from her point of view:
“When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, we had this brilliant idea that we are going to come to Pakistan and create a force of Mujahideen, equip them with stinger missiles and everything else to go after the Soviets inside the Afghanistan. And we were successful, the Soviets left Afghanistan, and then we said “Great! Goodbye “, leaving these trained people who where fanatical in Afghanistan and Pakistan, leaving them well armed, creating a mess…”

What Hillary forgot to mention, however, is the fact that the Mujaheddin movement in Afghanistan was a “breeding ground” for Al-Qaeda assets. Al-Qaeda was and still is directly controlled by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to promote a process of Middle Eastern destabilization, providing US military contractors with an excuse to invade state, after state, after state.

It’s the very same scenario that the White House wants to repeat now in Syria. It’s no wonder it allowed the violent bombardment of Syrian soldiers on 17 September, since it was made in a bid to spare the lives of Jabhat al-Nusra militants who would have had a hard time otherwise storming their positions. It should be recalled that in September 2015, the former head of the CIA, David Petraeus, one of the godfathers of US guerrilla warfare, urged the White House to “fight” ISIS side-by-side with Jabhat al-Nusra.

After six years of perpetual war the conflict in Syria is not nearly as “civil” as one would like to believe, it is a conflict entirely driven externally, not internally. Syria has become a sort of a Gordian knot, a place where the interests of Russia, China, EU, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the US have been impossibly tangled up.

At this stage, Washington is completely incapable of discussing any serious political settlement in Syria, since it regards any peace process in this war-torn country as the harbinger of Moscow’s, Beijing’s and Tehran’s continuous presence in the region and the moving forward of several energy routes that will give these states influence and wealth in the region well into the future, all of which means there will be no place for the West’s “avid defenders of democracy” at the table.

That is why the United States objected so vigorously to the release of the Russian-American cease-fire agreement details to the public and kept the discussion of the agreement as far away from the UN as it possibly could, out of fear there could be a UN resolution adopted that would make it mandatory to comply with.

That is also why, while keeping in mind its master-plan, Washington has used Syrian territory to start the largest indirect war in modern history to pursue its consequential transformation in a direct armed confrontation with Russia. A total of 80 states are fighting both directly and indirectly in Syria. It is no accident that on May 23, 2003, instead of gathering Iraqi forces into a single large unit, the US occupation administration disbanded the Iraqi army, creating pre-conditions for the rise of ISIS. In January 2012, in the midst of the Syrian civil war, the CIA created a “branch” of Al Qaeda in Syria – the notorious Jabhat al-Nusra. It’s no secret that the militants of this terrorist group at different points of time were treated in hospitals in Turkey and Israel – both faithful satellite-states of Washington. These steps were followed with the approval of the Turkish military’s invasion of Syria, which was launched on Aug. 20.

To create preconditions for an open armed conflict with Russia, Washington has launched a massive propaganda campaign, aimed at discrediting Moscow at every juncture. It’s enough to remember the so-called “doping scandal” and the “revelations” that Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko made about the alleged presence of more than 30,000 Russian soldiers and hundreds of tanks in eastern Ukraine. And no matter how ridiculous and unfounded such allegations may be, Washington would still repeat them, as if it had no means to track a couple hundreds tanks anywhere on the face of the Earth and then provide irrefutable evidence of it to the public. Moreover, we hear repeated accusations about Moscow’s alleged involvement in the downing of the Malaysian Boeing MH-17 over Donbass and many others. And the list goes on. Looking at all these steps, one can’t help but remember the genius of Nazi propaganda – Joseph Goebbels – who swayed public perception with the continuous repetition of transparent lies up to and including the day of the Nazi invasion of Russia.

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