by Marvin J. Ramírez
Attack to Iran will cut supply of world oil Activists warn on the grave consequences if Bush attacks Iran, and its effect to food transportation. (photo by Marvin J. Ramírez)
A group of approximately 25 protesters showed up at the San Francisco Federal Building on Tuesday, July 8, 2008 to demand Sen. Nancy Pelosi to withdraw support for a naval blockade of Iran.
A resolution before congress, known as “H Con Res 362”, is currently the central legislative priority of the pro-war lobby of AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), the group said in a statement.
This resolution, initiated by President Bush, demands international effort to immediately and dramatically increase the economic, political and diplomatic pressure on Iran. This is intended to make Iran to suspend its nuclear enrichment activities and prohibit the export to Iran of all refined petroleum products. There will be imposed stringent inspection requirements on all persons, vehicles, ships, planes, trains, cargo entering or departing Iran.
A blockade is considered an act of war. This can lead to catastrophic consequences for all North Americans.
“I do not see how this could be done without a blockade given its comprehensive and unequivocal language.” said in a statement Francis Boyle, Professor of Internal Law at the University of Illinois who states, referring to the demands of the sanctions.
A young activist, Emily, holds a picture of a prospect victim, an Iranian girl, if the U.S. attacks Iran.
This resolution now has 220 cosponsors in the House of Representatives, being the majority of its members Democrats. While this resolution is “non-binding,” it will only add fuel to the fire and make it easier for Bush in his quest of war, said the statement.
However, an article received by email at the office of El Reportero, says real reason to invade Iran obeys to other factors the public ignores, in addition to the intentions of gaining control to the fourth largest oil reserves in the world.
According to the article, the last blow to fi nish off America is the Iran thing, which must happen because Iran is refusing to sell oil in dollars but going to Euros. All the rest are excuses.
“Oil is the problem and our masters won’t allow the reserves on the Alaskan North Slope (the largest in the World) to be used. This is a Globalists mad plan to break the U.S., set in motion years ago,” the article said, adding that once the blockade is in force, no oil will be delivered to most parts of the world, so transportation of food in most parts of the world will be halted for lack of oil.
As the protesters chanted protest songs, along with members of the Codepink Ladies movement wearing pink colors, they prepared to take their protest to the 14th Floor of the Federal Building, to Pelosi’s offi ce, even thought she was in Washington.
Codepink is a womeninitiated grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end the war in Iraq, stop new wars, and redirect our resources into healthcare, education and other life-affirming activities.
“What this government is doing is outraged,” said one of the speakers, while asking the others to convey the message to as many people possible and get together with family members to explain the consequences if a war against Iran materialized.