by Marvin J. Ramirez
Gerardo Sandoval
As June 3rd election approaches, there are a few items we must take into consideration when all we go to stamp our vote. And this is to remember our compromise with our community and those leaders who have worked so hard within the current corrupt legal and politacal system, to make a difference in the lives of Latinos and other disenfranchised minorities and low-income people.
Our current and only Latino in the San Francisco Board of Supervisors is leaving office at the end of his last term. California law allows him to serve only two terms in office.
However, as a veteran public servant, Gerardo Sandoval has demonstrated his commitment and wants to continue working for the people.
Sandoval wants to keep serving the community. So, he is running seriuosly to become a judge.
“The courts touch every aspect of our lives from health care to business opportunities to crime,” says Sandoval, who complains that there are 67 judges in San Francisco, but only two Hispanic judges.
Until a few years ago, there were four aHispanic judges in San Francisco, which means we have gone from 8 percent to 4 percent, even if the population of Hispanics in San Francisco is 15 percent (20 percent if you count the undocumented), according to a statement released by Sandoval’s office.
Sandoval told El Reportero that he is aware of the corruption that reigns in the court system.
He recognized that most judges lean in favor of corporations, and not for the ordinary people. He promised that this would not happen with him.
I believe Sandoval should be given the opportunity to make a Latino presence in such an exclusive club. We recommend that you vote for Sandoval for Judge.
We also recommend that you vote No on Prop. 98, which will allow landlords to expel senior citizens and low-income families from their rent-controlled houses and apartments in order to raise their rents. It will permit the eviction of thousands of Latinos, and give way to people with more money to move in those units.
And I heard from many in the community, that Prop. 99 will help offset the effects of Prop. 98, in case it wins. Please vote Yes on Prop. 99.
Even though I encourage to vote, and you should, just remember one thing: nothing is going to make our lives any better, unless we all pressure our politicians to ask for the abolition of the Federal Reserve Bank, which is the cause of our financial misery. The Federal Reserve Bank is a private corporation that prints our currency (the dollar bills), and then loans it to the government with interest. That’s why we have such a huge national debt. All the money that we pay to the IRS, goes to the Federal Reserve Bank, which then lends it back to our government with interest.
Why can’t we have our government printing our own money, instead of having a private bank printing it and so control our lives?