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HomeCalendar & TourismUpdate and resources del PPP 2.0-EIDL-CA Relief Grant 2021

Update and resources del PPP 2.0-EIDL-CA Relief Grant 2021

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

An interactive session to discuss latest updates on these small business loans and grants will take place on Monday, March 22 and 29, from 9 – 10 a.m.; and April 5, 19 and 26, from 9 – 10 a.m. Co-sponsored by the California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce.

Register now! March 22, 29, April 12, 19 and 26, 2021 at 9 a.m. Mar 29, 2021, Pacific Time. Business resources in Palo Alto Our Business Assistance Center has up-to-date information for businesses that continue to operate and for those businesses that are closed and experiencing hardship during the shelter in place order.

Please learn more on our Uplift Local for Business page- “Spring Cleaning” Networking Event: Targeted to cleaning businesses, join this networking event hosted by Start Small Think Big to learn what other similar businesses have learned through the last year. Register to join on March 23, at 3 p.m. – Financial Coaching: TrustPlus is partnering with the Opportunity Fund to offer free one-on-one financial coaching to small business owners in English and Spanish. Learn more here. Uplift Local for Businesses: As always, check here for updates on temporary outdoor spaces, street closures, and more. Mark your Calendar! Annual Spring Cleanup The Pride and Beautification Committee will be hosting its Annual Spring Cleanup event during Earth Week 2021, April 19 – 24.

Folks are encouraged to beautify an area of their choosing by picking up litter individually, as households and/or social bubbles. Logistical support and supplies, including gloves, bags, and litter grabbers, will be available from Public Works Services.

Event participants will be encouraged to post their cleanup photos on social media throughout the week using #EarthWeekRWC. Photos will be posted to the Pride and Beautification web page. As an additional incentive, participants will be offered a free reusable grocery bag or reusable straw set (while supplies last)! In conjunction with the Spring Cleanup, there will be a free compost giveaway available to all Redwood City residents on Saturday, April 24 at Public Works Services.

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