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U.S. tells Russia: all private guns will be confiscated by Sept 5. 2009

­by Marvin J. Ramirez

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ram­íre­z­­­­

If you do not know, the first thing Adolph Hitler did to insure his imposition of his dictatorial rule on the people was to disarm the people. And this is exactly what President Obama’s administration is about to do, as part of the imposition of the New World Order, a dictatorial system wi­th evil implication for humanity.

That is why the Founding Father of this great nation created the Second Amendment to the Constitution: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

According a report sent to El Reportero, on March 20, an extraordinary meeting was held between Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and former United States Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger (under Nixon), James Baker (under Bush Sr.), Charles Shultz (under Regan), former United States Defense Secretary William Perry (under Clinton), and former US Senator and top defense expert Sam Nunn, who are stating that the Americans are acknowledging for the first time their acceptance of a New Global Order in which they seek to partner with natural resource rich Russia and the oil rich Nations of the Middle East in order to ensure their survival into the 21st Century.

The report says that leading the United States to the shocking conclusion that their very survival is at risk, has been the evaporation of 45 percent of the World’s wealth, which has caused a rapid plunge in Global manufacturing. This has led to a 49 percent collapse in U.S. trade exports which the International Monetary Fund is reported has caused the World’s economy to shrink for the first time in 60 years and has lead Canada’s Central Bank chief David Dodge to state the World is “facing a long and deep recession that will fundamentally alter the nature of capitalism.”

It adds that new reports coming from the United States show that the U.S. are fast adopting the tactics used by the German Nazis to disarm their society prior to the installation of fascist rule and martial law by first rendering all private guns useless by eliminating and restricting the ammunition they use. There is a law soon to be introduced in our state, that will restrict the sale of ammunition.

“And from new reports coming from the United States we can see that this ‘plan’ is already being instituted with ammunition shortages being reported in Idaho, Georgia, and Louisiana, and a new law just introduced in California.

A report indicate that the state of California is now attempting to regulate the purchase of ammunition by law-abiding citizens.

Assembly Bill 2062 would, among other things, impose the following restrictions on ammunition purchases:

  • Gun owners would have to obtain a permit to buy handgun ammunition. Applicants for a “permit-to-purchase” would be required to submit to a background check, pay a $35 fee, and wait as long as 30 days to receive the permit.
  • It would be unlawful to privately transfer more than 50 rounds of ammunition per month, even between family and friends, unless you are registered as a “handgun ammunition vendor” in the Department of Justice’s database.
  • Ammunition retailers would have to be licensed and store ammunition in such a manner that it would be inaccessible to purchasers. The bill would also require vendors to keep a record of the transaction including the ammunition buyer’s name, driver’s license, the quantity, caliber and type of ammunition purchased, and right thumbprint, which would be submitted to the Department of Justice.
  • Sellers of ammunition would be required to contact the purchase permit database, to verify the validity of a permit before completing a sale.
  • All ammunition sales in the State of California would be subject to a $3 per transaction tax.
  • Mail order ammunition sales would be prohibited.

When our Founding Fathers created the right to own guns, it meant with ammunition. It’s common sense.

According to gun owners­hip rights advocates, this bill has been passed by the Assembly Public Safety Committee, and is now being reviewed to determine whether it should be killed on a technicality. Anyone who owns or shoots a firearm can tell you that the restrictions it would impose are unrealistic and excessive. If you are a California resident and care about the future of your Second Amendment rights, please take the time to contact your assemblyman and ask him or her to oppose this assault on your rights.

Once we the people lose our Second Amendment right to own guns – with bullets there won’t be a way back for us to stand up to a tyrant government if our nation becomes a dictatorship. And it looks that is where we are heading to. If our California representatives allow this to happen, they should be prosecuted for treason to the Constitution.

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