Thursday, March 6, 2025
HomeTo vote for a third politcal party

To vote for a third politcal party

by Marvin J. Ramirez

Being the editor and publisher of El Reportero can be a challenge sometimes.

Routinely I go for a walk on Mission Street to stretch out my legs after being at my desk sitting and looking at the computer for hours.

Occasionally I bump into known and unknown friends – those who read El Reportero and know me often, but I don’t know them personally – and usually start a chat about anything, from gossip to politics. Most of the time they want to know what I think about a particular subject.

The man I met the other day while I walked toward my office holding a cup of coffee was walking in opposite direction, going pretty fast.

“Hey, Marvin,” he said when he passed me, turning around.

“Who do you think is going to win the California governorship election…?

The question immediately put me to think.

“You know what?”, I said. “First of all, you have to remember something, we live under a one-party system – like a dictatorship… the only difference in this two-party system is that it has two faces or two factions: one is called the Republican Party y the other the Democratic. But both are the same thing. One targets the labor side, and the other one the employers,” and at the end they divide the bounty among themselves.

This might seem a very simplistic explanation of something so complex as our political system, but is the closest to the truth.

It is a system of monopoly. And when I say they are the same thing is because when we elect “our” public officials we are actually electing the managers of the money of the elite. We are just electing the faces that will show before the public, but never the true rulers, who are the members of the shadow government. Those faces we never see.

These are the faces who fund both political parties political campaigns.

So, next time you go to the voting place, do not vote for any of the two political parties. Vote for any other third political party.

I would vote for the Libertarian or the Green party. Try it. And see what ­will happen. Maybe we will be able to break the monopoly. The traditional ones are already too corrupted, to rich, and no longer represent the interests of the American people.

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