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HomeNewsTigres del Norte banned from Chihuahua for performing “Narcocorridos”

Tigres del Norte banned from Chihuahua for performing “Narcocorridos”

­Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

Los Tigres del NorteLos Tigres del Norte

After singing ‘Narcocorridos’ or songs that allegedly glorify the drug trafficking industry in Mexico, the famous group, Los Tigres del Norte, will no longer perform in Mexico’s Chihuahua state. After performing the song, “La Reina del Sur” (The Queen of the South), at a cattle expo concert, the city of Chihuahua issued a statement banning future performances of the group.

City government officials stated, “The musical group will not get permits for future shows in the city limits, until such time as authorities decide otherwise.” They continued to state that the band had violated a three-month-old city law, which prohibited songs about drug trafficking and as a result will face a possible fine of 20,000 pesos or $1,585. Javier Torres Cardona, the City Governance Director, stated, “We ask concert organizers and the artists themselves to think about the difficult situation the country is in.”

Cardona’s statement refers to the close to 48,000 people in Mexico that have lost their lives as a result of drug related violence from December of 2006 until this past September. The state of Chihuahua, lying along the U.S. border, containing the city of Chihuahua as well as Ciudad Juarez, has and continues to witness regular drug related violence. Monday, five men were shot to death in a barbershop in Chihuahua, according to city officials.

The popular group expressed surprise through a Twitter posting and also stated that they were unaware of the city ordinance. However Los Tigres are accustomed to controversy surrounding their music. In 2009, they cancelled an appearance at an awards ceremony after they were asked to not play the song, La Granja or The Farm. This song allegedly alludes to the Mexican drug war. Other popular songs of the group include, Contrabando y Traición or Contraband and Betrayal as well as Jefe de Jefes or Boss of Bosses.

The government has attempted to censor similar narcocorridos from other musical groups since 2002.

­La Actriz Francia Raisa en la cuarta temporada de The Secret Life of the American Teenager

Los Ángeles, CA – Después de tres temporadas de la exitosa serie The Secret Life of the American Teenager, Francia Raisa la joven actriz de origen hondureño-mexicano, quien interpreta a “Adrian Lee”, una adolescente rebelde con una actitud irónica ante la vida, continúa con su camino al estrellato con el estreno de la cuarta temporada de la serie que saldrá al aire el próximo 26 de marzo por la cadena ABC Family y se encuentra en las grabaciones de la quinta temporada de esta aclamada serie.

Francia Raisa nominada en el 2011 a los premios Alma Awards, inició su carrera cinematográfica con la película Bring It On: All or Nothing compartiendo la pantalla con Hayden Panettiere.

Su más reciente proyecto cinematográfico es “Chastity Bites que relata la historia de una asesina serial que sacrifica a más de 600 mujeres vírgenes en el año 1600 y decide bañarse en su sangre para mantenerse más joven. Esta cinta hace burla de alguna forma de las facetas de la sociedad actual, de la obsesión por la belleza y la hipocresía de los adolescentes con respecto al sexo.

Francia Raisa también ha protagonizado las películas de Abc Family The Cutting Edge: Chasing the Drea” y The Cutting Edge: Fire & Ice.

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