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HomePublic Notices /Legal NoticesTHIS NOTICE IS TO NOTIFIED that the following bills will be submitted...

THIS NOTICE IS TO NOTIFIED that the following bills will be submitted to qualified voters of San Mateo County for a vote on Tuesday, November 5, 2019 at the Consolidated Election of Municipalities, School Districts and Special Districts.

School District Law Initiatives


CABRILLO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Parcel Tax Law initiative ___ (2/3 approval required)


“To maintain quality education in Coastside schools without raising taxes; preserve strong academic programs in reading, writing, science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics; keep qualified teachers and staff; prepare students for college and jobs; and maintain the safety and protection of schools; Should an initiative of the Cabrillo Unified School District be adopted in order to renew for eight years its tax that is about to expire of $ 150 on parcels for education, raising approximately $ 1,600,000 annually with independent supervision by citizens, exemptions for older adults other people, and that all funds remain in Coastside schools? ”


Yes ________


Do not _________


REDWOOD CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Parcel Tax Law Initiative ___ (2/3 approval required)


“To maintain the quality of education in Redwood City with local funds that cannot be taken by the State, to attract and retain highly qualified teachers; support the quality of reading and writing programs; maintain science, technology, engineering and math instruction; and reduce class sizes in kindergarten and first grade, should the Redwood City School District property tax initiative be adopted for $ 149 per plot for 12 years, raising $ 3,450,000 annually with citizen oversight, exemptions for older adults, and that all funds remain locally? ”


Yes ________


Do not _________


Also, it is NOTIFIED that the main arguments in favor or against the aforementioned law initiatives may be presented in writing to the Registration and Elections Division, 40 Tower Road, San Mateo, CA 94402. for printing and distribution to voters, pursuant to the provisions of the California Election Code, until 5:00 PM of August 16, 2019. The refutation arguments of the authors of said main arguments can be documented in the same way until 5:00 P.M. of August 26, 2019.


Printed arguments submitted to voters will be entitled either “Argument in favor of the Law Initiative ___” or “Argument Against the Initiative of Law ___”, and “Refutation of the Argument in Favor of the Law Initiative ___” or “Refutation of the Argument Against the ___ Law Initiative” respectively.


All the arguments related to the aforementioned law initiatives must have attached the following model declaration, which must be signed by each author and proponent, if these were different, of the argument:


The undersigned proponent (s) or author (s) of the ___________ (main / rebuttal) argument ___________ (in favor / against) of the Law Initiative ___ on the Ballot of the _____________________________ (name of the election) for the _____________________________ (name of the jurisdiction) to be held on _______________ (date of the election), hereby declares (n) that said argument is true and correct to the best of your knowledge.














The main arguments should not have more than 300 words. Only one argument in favor and one argument against each bill will be selected to be printed and distributed to voters. The arguments may not carry more than five signatures.


The authors of the main arguments for or against each law initiative can write and present rebuttal arguments that do not exceed 250 words. Authors may authorize in writing any other person or persons to write, present, or sign the rebuttal argument. The refutation arguments may not carry more than five signatures.


Likewise, it is NOTIFIED that an inspection period of 10 calendar days will be established for the public review of said arguments. During that period, any registered voter, qualified to vote with respect to the bill, or the election official, may request a court order or injunction that requires that some of the material or all of the material be amended or deleted. The period of revision of the main arguments for or against the initiatives of law on the ballot will begin at 5:00 PM. from August 16, 2019 and will end at 5:00 P.M. on August 26, 2019. The period of revision of the rebuttals to the main arguments in favor or against the bills on the ballot will begin at 5:00 P.M. of August 26, 2019 and will end at 5:00 P.M. of September 5, 2019.


Also, it is NOTIFIED that the Voting Ballots by Mail and the Provisional Ballots already marked for the Election to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2019 will be tabulated in the place indicated below:


San Mateo County Registration and Elections Division 40 Tower Road San Mateo, CA 94402


Likewise, it is NOTIFIED that in such election the voting places will be open from 7:00 A.M., until 8:00 P.M., on the same day.


Dated: August 16, 2019




Mark Church Chief Election Officer and Appraiser-Clerk-County Recorder


CNS-3278662 #

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