by Marvin J. Ramirez
Marvin J. Ramírez
“…If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honor, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.” – The 13th Amendment to the Constitution
“…A country cannot be both ignorant and free.” – Thomas Jefferson “The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the republican model of government, are justly considered as deeply, perhaps as finally staked, on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American People.” – George Washington. This is the third part of the article: The lost 13th Amendment to the Constitution.
Last week we ran the second part of this multi-part article, in hope that it will provide our readers with information that has been kept a secret by the controllers of our country – the bankers and their private army of lawyers.
In her own words, Lisa Guliani’s article The Lost Thirteenth Amendment, brings out what our Founding Fathers intended to when they drafted the final work of the Constitution that would protect us from any eventual tyrant government that could arise and deprive Americans from their freedom and their wealth, and to enslave us. So following, Guliani’s continues with her denunciation.
Have you ever noticed how many lawyers there are in our government? We see them everywhere, in both high and low level positions. This is nothing new. Roughly half of our Founding Fathers were lawyers. As far as the top spot in government, 21 of our former Presidents were lawyers (or well-read in the law). The most recent former U.S. President just so happens to also be an attorney – Bill Clinton – who is, conveniently, married to another attorney, Hillary Rodham Clinton – Secretary of State.
Of those former Presidents who were lawyers, one was called the “Dark Horse” President (James Polk), another was the only U.S. president to never marry (James Buchanon), and still another married the daughter of a banker (William McKinley). This last example will segue nicely into a discussion about lawyers and bankers and a little known amendment to the Constitution numbered 13.
The 13th Amendment to the Constitution?
Not familiar with it? It’s no wonder. No one ever discusses the 13th Amendment – in fact, our so-called government has been ignoring its existence since the 1800’s.
However, it has been the subject of some controversy in certain circles, and for good reason. You see, the 13th Amendment, also called the “Title of Nobility” Amendment, which prefaced this article – deals with prohibiting LAWYERS from holding positions of public office within the U.S. government.
But, wait a minute. Lawyers are EVERYWHERE in our government, aren’t they? We see them scurrying around like little cockroaches all through the corridors of our federal buildings. Attorneys are constantly vying for public positions – in fact, it seems that the only way to even GET many of these governmental positions is to BE a lawyer. We have come to accept this as commonplace, standard practice – a requirement, even.
We may not like or trust this practice, but it has always been the way things were done. Or is it? Why haven’t we heard more about this 13th Amendment if such an important piece of legislation prohibits attorneys from holding these positions? Well, that is an interesting tale, but it may not surprise you very much. It is yet another example of the dog-and-pony show being performed before the American people, and is why we see the lawyers swarming all over government like germ-infested cockroaches spreading disease and polluting public policy. When this piece is finished, I am going to go wash my hands.
The 13th Amendment sought to keep lawyers from gaining a political advantage over others, thereby restricting them from achieving power and control over the rest of us. And, despite the fact that many of the Founding.
Fathers were attorneys, they realized quite keenly how easily a person skilled in that profession could exploit the system and the citizenry by using legal prowess, political savvy and government/corporate connections to personal advantage.
They wanted to ensure that each person had equality under the law. At least those great men had some scruples. It’s a shame that legislation proposed by men of real honor and integrity was overridden by some corrupt, greedy power-mongers lacking any scruples, honor, or integrity of their own.
Virginia was the final state required to ratify the 13th Amendment and add it to the Constitution. However, conveniently enough, a little thing called the War of 1812 got in the way. It is interesting to note the timing of the War of 1812 coincided with the proposal of the 13th Amendment. Very interesting. Focus on Virginia’s position on the ratification of this amendment waned due to the ensuing war and so, that state’s decision was not made known until 1819.
The length of this article is so large that we could probably run pieces of it for many weeks. But there are many other subjects that we must write about. But we will try writing more about this story.
Any one who would like to expand on the Lost 13th Amendment will be able to find it online by Googling the name.