Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeThey are forming a new country, the North American Union, behind the...

They are forming a new country, the North American Union, behind the back of the people

by Marvin J. Ramirez

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ramirez

When El Reportero started reporting late last year that there were plans to replace the United States dollar for a new currency called, amero, people reacted with disbelief, and probably considered me loco de la cabeza, while most mainstream media fanatics called it “conspiracy theory.”

However, this “conspiracy theory” was true, and it is now – finally – being mentioned in many mainstream news organizations that you know, those that are actually the government’s mouth pieces: FoxNews, CNN, etc. All this is being done behind closed doors from the people in the United States.

See ­, where CNBC discusses it as imminent, while it criticizes the same media for giving so little coverage to it.

The amero comes as another deal, also hidden from American reappears in the shadow. And this is the super highway connecting the United States with Mexico and Canada.

The Bush administration open-border policy and its decision to ignore this country’s immigration law, is part of a broader agenda.

President Bush signed a formal agreement that will end the United States as we know it, and he took the steps without approval from neither the U.S. Congress or the people of the United States, as it was reported by CNN.

It is called, the North American Union, a deal that will create one currency and one government, comprised of Mexico, the United States, and Canada.

In 2005, Representative Marcy Kaptur of Ohio gave a presentation about NAFTA Super Highway to the U.S. House of Representatives.

At that time, some people seemed unsure if it was going to happen, but it definitely seems so now, according to several media reports.

Everyone knows that America has been losing its independence as goods that used to be made here are displaced by foreign imports,” said Kaptur. She mentioned the trillion dollar a year trade deficit the United States is facing.

This is something that will hurt our economy even more as large suppliers will be shipping their payloads to Mexico to then be transported on the highway to America. The highway will also be owned privately by Sentra (a subsidiary of a Spanish transportation company owned by a multi billionaire), which could then lease the highway to foreign interests where tolls could be used for independent money collection, according to the news report.

Holding a map of continental America, Kaptur went on to show and explained that what the Bush administration was planning then, was what it would be the continuation or the step after NAFTA.

The plan, she said, was to lack NAFTA even tighter in this country and across the continent. It is called the Agreement on Security and Prosperity what was being negotiated then by the Bush administration very quietly.

Most Americans have not even heard of the term but it really is the successor to NAFTA. “No hearings have been held in this Congress on the subject.”

Kaptur explained with detail about the more than $9 billion that will be invested in Mexico on a super highway, while losing more that 30,000 jobs in the U.S. and employing more than 150,000 workers in Mexico.

“It will employ about 15 percent of all unemployed people in Mexico, so many of them having been uprooted from their farms because NAFTA provided no transition provisions to allow people to have a life and to survive in rural areas in Mexico, and over 2 million families have been uprooted from Mexico’s farm communities, and are doing what?, they are moving north, to eat,” said Kaptur at a Congressional hearing, and broadcast by C-SPAM.

“And this is happening at the heart of the illegal immigration problem, and is NAFTA disruption of the Mexican country side.”

Even worse, as she reported, is that the same Spanish company, Sentra, that has a 99-year concession highway in Ohio, is involved in the concession for the super highway Mexico-United States.

In the NAFTA website, it shows that the super highway is to connect Mexico, the U.S., and Canada. And while Mexico is building the super highway infrastructure with materials from China, and not from the U.S., the people at Mexico’s Lázaro Cárdenas port, are employed by workers making almost nothing. The whole unloading containers now happening in U.S. ports like Oakland and Oregon could be ignored and transported via the super highway.

You can bring massive containers from Asia through Mexico through this corridor, which is leased to a foreign nation, said Kaptur.

With force, she said, “The people of the United States better wake up! We better ask ourselves, why America have to work so hard for less, why is more expensive to send the chil­dren to college and graduate with huge debts? Why isn’t your pension plan secured? Why are we having to pay so much for health care? Why is not your retirement benefi t forever? Because these kind of interests don’t want you to have it, because they are so fi lthy rich off the investment they are making globally, that they don’t care about you, they don’t care about this country, they don’t care about democracy.”

In sum, the change of the currency and the formation of one North American union as one country, it will have a great negative impact on every person, but a great benefi cial one for the banking elite and billionaire international corporations. Americans! Wake up, wake up, or you will not have a country for you and your anymore, soon.

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