Tuesday, March 4, 2025
HomeThere are five reasons that the mainstream media is worthless

There are five reasons that the mainstream media is worthless


Dear readers,

Here’s a great article about the media, to be more specific, the mainstream media and who controls it and how it is controlled by the elite. It was authored, and first published, in the Washington Blog.

— The following is a collection of articles and videos exposing the reality of our media. A well organized system of propaganda and exploitation has been inflicted on the American population for nearly a century. We have lived our lives in an ocean of deception and we have been manipulated into supporting actions (like wars, including the ‘war on terror) and policies that were not in our best interest.
This ‘system’ of perception management is entrenched in all levels of ‘government’, news reporting, and entertainment. The goals are to a) keep us distracted b) keep us divided (especially conservatives and liberals – which were both contrived), and c) keep us obedient.
Question everything and share this REALITY with all of your friends, neighbors and family.

by the Washington Blog

Short synopsis
1. Self-Censorship by Journalists
Initially, there is tremendous self-censorship by journalists.
2. Censorship by Higher-Ups
If journalists do want to speak out about an issue, they also are subject to tremendous pressure by their editors or producers to kill the story.
In addition, the government has allowed tremendous consolidation in ownership of the airwaves during the past decade.
Dan Rather has slammed media consolidation:
Likening media consolidation to that of the banking industry, Rather claimed that “roughly 80 percent” of the media is controlled by no more than six, and possibly as few as four, corporations.
3. Drumming Up Support for War:
In addition, the owners of American media companies have long actively played a part in drumming up support for war.
It is painfully obvious that the large news outlets studiously avoided any real criticism of the government’s claims in the run up to the Iraq war.

It is painfully obvious that the large American media companies acted as lapdogs and stenographers for the government’s war agenda.
4. Access
Politico reveals:
For $25,000 to $250,000, The Washington Post has offered lobbyists and association executives off-the-record, non-confrontational access to “those powerful few”: Obama administration officials, members of Congress, and — at first — even the paper’s own reporters and editors…
The offer — which essentially turns a news organization into a facilitator for private lobbyist-official encounters — was a new sign of the lengths to which news organizations will go to find revenue at a time when most newspapers are struggling for survival.
5. Censorship by the Government:
Finally, as if the media’s own interest in promoting war is not strong enough, the government has exerted tremendous pressure on the media to report things a certain way. Indeed, at times the government has thrown media owners and reporters in jail if they’ve been too critical. The media companies have felt great pressure from the government to kill any real questioning of the endless wars.
For example, Dan Rather said, regarding American media, “What you have is a miniature version of what you have in totalitarian states.”
Tom Brokaw said “all wars are based on propaganda.
Indeed, in the final analysis, the main reason today that the media giants will not cover the real stories or question the government’s actions or policies in any meaningful way is that the American government and mainstream media been somewhat blended together.
[This ‘marriage’ is obvious when you look at the media coverage and acceptance of the Center for Disease Control propaganda regarding the H1N1 ‘pandemic’: CDC – Deceiving the Public]
This is an expose on how much control of our media the corporations actually have. Monsanto has managed to keep quiet this critically important story about our milk and the corrupt Federal Drug Administration. Monsanto’s growth hormones, that are currently given to dairy cows to supposedly increase production,  create an unsafe product and Monsanto does not want the public to become aware of this FACT. The  reporters in this segment were going to publicly expose this danger, but were stopped by Murdoch’s attorneys who did not want to lose advertising dollars. The reporters fought against this travesty every inch of the way . . . and lost. When the issue went to court, the decision was made that falsifying news is not against the law.
We all need to keep this in mind whenever we look to main stream media for honest reporting – legally there is no requirement that they tell the truth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZkDikRLQrw
We must accept that the so-called ‘global elite’ (aka The Money Monsters) now control the media in the United States. We are currently given a non-stop diet of propaganda and mind control. Even the former CIA agent Robert Steele admits that bloggers have become the new ‘independent’ media.
Why is it so difficult to see the propaganda that is all around us?
If a fish could talk and you asked it to describe its environment, the last thing it would identify would be . . . Water.
“In the United States we’re often brought up and told we don’t have propaganda; that we have a hard charging investigative press, we have this educated sceptical even cynical citizenry and that if there were powerful interests trying to manage and manipulate public opinion they would be exposed. The reality actually is just the opposite. Academics like Alex Kerry and others, who’ve spent their life times looking at how propaganda works, find that it’s actually in Western democracies and open societies where you need the most sophisticated sorts of propaganda. And since WWI, thanks to people like Ivy Lee and Eddy Bernays, you know propaganda’s become a business – this business of public relations. Or as one of the firms that has often represented dictators, the Burson Marsteller firm, puts it . . . their business is perception management – to manage public perception, public policy on behalf of their clients who ever they might be.”

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