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HomeEditorThe Ultimate Desilusion: Queen Elizabeth controls and has amended U.S. Social Security

The Ultimate Desilusion: Queen Elizabeth controls and has amended U.S. Social Security

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ramirez

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Just like the people who found this article, written by Stephen Kimbol Ames and sent it to me, I am sharing it with you. I hope, as always, that you all learn new perspectives that our schools and universities never dare to teach us or the mainstream media to analyze, research and present to us.

It is absolutely mind blowing! says the sender. “This paper will shock even those who think that they know what has happened and what is now taking place. The deception is incredible.”

This paper is not opinion, according to the unidentified sender, all is documented. “Now, what people have to realize is there are remedies for the problems that not just America faces, but the World. There are people all over the World who know what is going on and they are doing something about it. People all over the United States of America are emerging victorious over the images in their minds. Let us not forget the absolute astonishing amount of debt discharges that have taken place over the last few months. What is happening in America is unbelievable. People are coming out of the delusions, they have figured and realized that the United States is a fiction and that it only exists in our minds.

Tens of thousands of people now know that the “United States” does not exist and that it never has. There is no such thing as the National debt or a loan from the bank. Has any one ever seen “current credit money?” The entire governmental system only exists in your mind.

The Ultimate Delusion

by Stephen Kimbol Ames

Part 2 of a series

On August 4th, 1790 an Act was passed which was Titled -An Act making provision for the payment of the Debt of the United States. This can be found at 1 U.S. Statutes at Large pages 138-178. This Act for all intents and purposes abolished the States and Created the Districts. If you don’t believe it look it up. The Act set up Federal Districts, here in Pennsylvania we got two. In this Act each District was assigned a portion of the debt. The next step was for the states to reorganize their governments which most did in 1790. This had to be done because the States needed to legally bind the people to the debt. The original State Constitutions were never submitted to the people for a vote. So the governments wrote new constitutions and submitted them to people for a vote thereby binding the people to the debts owed to Great Britain. The people became citizens of the State where they resided and ipso facto a citizen of the United States. A citizen is a member of a fictional entity and it is synonymous with subject.

What you think is a state is in reality a corporation, in other words, a Person.

“Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is Person.” 9 F. Supp 272 “Word “person” does not include state. 12 Op Atty Gen 176.

There are no states, just corporations. Every body politic on this planet is a corporation. A corporation is an artificial entity, a fiction at law. They only exist in your mind. They are images in your mind, that speak to you. We labor, pledge our property and give our children to a fiction. For an in-depth look into the nature of these ­corporations and to see how you also have been declared a fictional entity. See: AMERICAN LAW AND PROCEDURE. JURISPRUDENCE AND LEGAL INSTITUTIONS. VOL.XIII By James De Witt Andrews LL.B. (Albany Law School), LL.D. (Ruskin University) from La Salle University. This book explains in detail the nature and purpose of these corporations, you will be stunned at what you read.

Now before we go any further let us examine a few things in the Constitution.

Article Six Section One keeps the loans from the King valid it states; “All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.”

Another interesting tidbit can be found at Article One Section Eight clause Two which states that Congress has the power to borrow money on the credit of the United States. This was needed so the United States (Which went into Bankruptcy on January 1, 1788) could borrow money and then because the States were a party to the Constitution they would also be liable for it. The next underhanded move was the creation of The United States Bank in 1791. This was a private Bank of which there were 25,000 shares issued of which 18,000 were held by those in England. The Bank loaned the United States money in exchange for Securities of the United States. Now the creditors of the United States which included the King wanted paid the Interest on the loans that were given to the United States. So Alexander Hamilton came up with the great idea of taxing alcohol. The people resisted so George Washington sent out the militia to collect the tax which they did. This has become known as the Whiskey rebellion. It is the Militia’s duty to collect taxes. How did the United States collect taxes off of the people if the people are not a party to the Constitution? I’ll tell you how. The people are slaves!

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