Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeThe U.S. Bankrupsy, a fact not told to educated Americans and not...

The U.S. Bankrupsy, a fact not told to educated Americans and not covered by corporate media


by Marvin Ramírez­

­Marvin  J. Ramírez­Marv­in R­amír­ez­­­­­­


<<Gold and silver were such a powerful money during the founding of the united states of America, that the founding fathers declared that only gold or silver coins can be “money” in America.>>


Second of a two-part series

Most of us, including those exceptionally educated PhDs in economics or historians educated in our current educational system, never been aware of some facts about our country. Things like, why states and municipalities have to present a fiscal budget in April of every year; why our currency is not actually money, as opposed to money backed by gold and silver, mandated by the Constitution; why, especially, the Federal government has to borrow money from the Federal Reserve Bank – a privately-owned bank owned by foreign institutions. These questions and more can better understood after reading the declaration of a Houser Representative in Congress.

The following article describes the status of the bankruptcy of the United States of America. In a address to the U.S. Congress in 1993, Speaker-Rep. James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House made the following statement.

by Rep. James Traficant,Jr. (Ohio)

The Federal Reserve System is based on the Canon law and the principles of sovereignty protected in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In fact, the international bankers used a “Canon Law Trust” as their model, adding stock and naming it a “Joint Stock Trust.” The U.S. Congress had passed a law making it illegal for any legal “per- son” to duplicate a “Joint Stock Trust” in 1873. The Federal Reserve Act was legislated post-facto (to 1870), although post-facto laws are strictly forbidden by the Constitution. [1:9:3] The Federal Reserve Sys- tem is a sovereign power structure separate and distinct from the federal United States government. The Federal Reserve is a maritime lender, and/or maritime insurance under- writer to the federal United States operating exclusively under Admiralty/Maritime law. The lender or under- writer bears the risks, and the Maritime law compel- ling specific performance in paying the interest, or premiums are the same.

Assets of the debtor can also be hypothecated (to pledge something as a security without taking possession of it.) as security by the lender or underwriter. The Federal Reserve Act stipulated that the inter- est on the debt was to be paid in gold. There was no stipulation in the Federal Reserve Act for ever pay- ing the principle.

Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to prop- erty, free and clear of any liens or mortgages until the Federal Reserve Act (1913) “Hypothecated” all property within the federal United States to the Board of Governors of the Fed- eral Reserve, -in which the Trustees (stockholders) held legal title. The U.S. citizen (tenant, franchisee) was registered as a “benefi ciary” of the trust via his/her birth certifi cate. In 1933, the fed- eral United States hypothe- cated all of the present and future properties, assets and labor of their “subjects,” the 14th Amendment U.S. citi- zen, to the Federal Reserve System.

In return, the Federal Reserve System agreed to extend the federal United States corporation all the credit “money substitute” it needed. Like any other debtor, the federal United States government had to assign collateral and secu- rity to their creditors as a condition of the loan. Since the federal United States didn’t have any assets, they assigned the private prop- erty of their “economic slaves”, the U.S. citizens as collateral against the un- payable federal debt. They also pledged the unincor- porated federal territories, national parks forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations, as collateral against the federal debt. All has already been transferred as payment to the interna- tional bankers.

Unwittingly, America has returned to its pre- American Revolution, feu- dal roots whereby all land is held by a sovereign and the common people had no rights to hold allodial title to property. Once again, We the People are the tenants and sharecroppers renting our own property from a Sovereign in the guise of the Federal Reserve Bank. We the people have exchanged one master for another.

This has been going on for over eighty years without the “informed knowledge” of the Ameri- can people, without a voice protesting loud enough. Now it’s easy to grasp why America is fundamentally bankrupt.

Why don’t more people own their properties out- right?

Why are 90 percent of Americans mortgaged to the hilt and have little or no assets after all debts and liabilities have been paid? Why does it feel like you are working harder and harder and getting less and less?

We are reaping what has been sown, and the results of our harvest is a painful bankruptcy, and a foreclosure on American property, precious liberties, and a way of life. Few of our elected representatives in Washington, D.C. have dared to tell the truth. The federal United States is bankrupt. Our children will inherit this un-payable debt, and the tyranny to enforce paying it.

America has become completely bankrupt in world leadership, fi nancial credit and its reputation for courage, vision and human rights. This is an undeclared economic war, bankruptcy, and economic slavery of the most corrupt order! Wake up America! Take back your Country.

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