by Marvin J. Ramirez
Marvin Ramirez
It’s interesting to see – like a wrestling circus – how the only two competing political forces, the Democratic and the Republican parties, compete to become the one and only who will continue guarding the status quo.
The winner will guard the system in which a private corporation – the Federal Reserve Bank – continues printing the money of our nation, and charging interest by the second on every dollar it lends – or every dollar we spend at the store. This is the cause of our huge national debt that we won’t be able to pay, ever! And this is the reason why inflation exists, if you didn’t know it.
And the money available that these candidates have to spend in the biased media is such, that the whole thing is like a whole enchilada from which every private interest gets a bite from it. All those fat corporations who practically own everything, including our own lives are actually financing this whole scheme that keep the North American people so much in the dark and poverty.
The status quo – to make it easy to sustain itself by printing the money for the nation – provides the conglomerate media the assurance that it can own every medium under their belt. Not too long ago, the Bush administration got rid of the last laws that protected us from media monopoly, and which allowed small, local media to exist and bring diverse voices into the political and social spectrum of our communities. Now, that they have practically almost wiped out all local and independent media, they have sole rein on our lives. There should be a law that prohibits holding broadcasting license for more that 20 years. The airwaves, remember, our own by humanity, in this case, the state is the guardian.
“Barack Obama raised a staggering $32 million in January, cash aplenty to advertise all through the expensive Super Tuesday states and beyond,” reported the Associated Press.
Who is giving away all that money, anyway? And every four years, only these two political parties participate in the election campaign, and only these two party candidates are the actors in the biased media. Don’t you think folks that there is something wrong with this ‘democracy?’
Have you noticed that most of everything we do and experience in our daily lives has been advised (and advertised) on our TV set? From our city violence to our dislocated culture, to our disproportionate credit card spending to our lack of saving and our lack of direction in our lives to our sugar addiction? The tube has being dictating to us what we should eat, drink, wear, listen, and do, since we started getting our notion as individuals.
And this election is no different. They dictate to us what options we have in electing our representatives, but none of those offi cials really is elected to work for us.
Have you also noticed the huge amount of promises these candidates recite during each election time? Why is it happens only during election time?
I think it’s about time that we all start looking at small political players and parties despite who are being shown to us on the small screen, and start turning that TV off more often, if we want to start getting back our own humanity and lives.
This election is a sham and a shame. A truthful candidate would advocate for the abolition of the Federal Reserve Bank.