Thursday, January 23, 2025
HomeEditorThe Trilateral Commission (First of a two-part series)

The Trilateral Commission (First of a two-part series)

FROM THE EDITOR: Dear readers of El Reportero, with the same spirit of sharing as always, I am publishing the following article on The Trilateral Commision that I found online, as a continuation of the previous article on this organization. I believe that we all should know about who are the true rulers of the system – comprised of the government, the church and commerce – and always try to unearth the truth despite of the elite’s effort to hide it from us.

Those of you who watch TV to “get informed” or brainwashed, do not have any idea how much slaves we are and who are ours masters, because television have blind us all with their studio-designed newscasts and telenovelas. I make the effort in every edition, to share information that will show you the real world hidden to us. And the reason why we do not know more than we know now, is because 90 of what we know has been learned from the television. But it is time to wake up.

Posted by Eric Dubay

The Atlantean Conspiracy

— The Trilateral Commission was founded by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski in July 1973 and is composed of approximately 325 elites in business, banking, and politics. The Trilateral Commission is propagated as being an economic cooperation between America, Europe, and Japan, but in reality is another secretive society/organization – this one specializing in creating the trilateral economic interdependence necessary to bring in the New World Order system of world currency and world governance. They are setting up the framework/power structure necessary for these multinational banks and corporations to assume global control, dominating the world’s populations, governments, and economies.

The Trilateral Commission is an international organization founded by David Rockefeller who also had a part in the founding of the Council on Foreign Relations, Inc., and who is the chairman of the board. The Trilateral Commission is the llluminati’s attempt to unite Western Europe’s common market, Japan, Canada and the United States into an economic and political confederacy. What they couldn’t do through the political side of the Illuminati (Council on Foreign Relations, Inc.) they are trying now through the economic approach.” -Alex Christopher, “Pandora’s Box – The Ultimate Unseen Hand Behind the New World Order” (147)

“The Trilateral Commission was founded by the persistent maneuvering of David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski. Rockefeller, [then] chairman of the ultra powerful Chase Manhattan Bank, a director of many major multinational corporations and ‘endowment funds’ has long been a central figure in the mysterious Council on Foreign Relations. Brzezinski, a brilliant prognosticator of one-world idealism, has been a professor at Columbia University and the author of several books that have served as ‘policy guidelines’ for the CFR. Brzezinski served as the (Trilateral) commission’s executive director from its inception in 1973 until late 1976 when he was appointed by President Carter as assistant to the president for national security affairs.” -Anthony C. Sutton and Patrick M. Wood, “Trilateral Over Washington” ­ome notable members of the Trilateral Commission include George Bush, Dick and Lynne Cheney, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale, David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, David Gergen, Richard Holbrooke, Madeleine Albright, Robert McNamara, Paul Volcker, Alan Greenspan and Paul Wolfowitz. US Senators Diane Feinstein, Robert Taft Jr., Charles Robb, William Cohen, and John Glenn, Congressmen, Ambassadors, Secretaries of Treasury, State and many other political figures are Trilateralists. There are also many banking institutions represented at Trilateral meetings including the European Central Bank, World Bank, IMF, the Federal Reserve, Chase-Morgan, Citibank, Bank of America, Bank One, Bank of Tokyo, Bank of Japan and more. Also plenty of multi-national corporate interests are represented including Fuji Xerox, Goldman Sachs, AIG, Exxon-Mobil, Shell, Chevron, Texaco, Sony, Samsung, Comcast, Time Warner, Carlyle Group, Levi-Strauss, Daikin, Sara Lee, GE, GM, Ford, Chrysler, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Johnson and Johnson, IBM, Boeing, and Citigroup.

Next week: Many of the original members of the Trilateral Commission are in positions of power…

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