by Marvin J. Ramirez
Marvin J. Ramirez
For many who depend on just CNN, Fox News or similar mainstream media for information, the bailout of more than $700 billion for the failed banking and mortgage industries is nothing more than an intent to save the international financial system and little more. But notice that they keep calling it, over and over, a ‘bailout,’ when in fact it is a nationalization, like in communist systems. It’s the beginning of and end of our freedoms and a complexion of the enslavement of humanity to the bankers.
Did you notice that a problem of this magnitude was announced just overnight in the mainstream mediaor in the “Wizard of Oz screen” as I prefer to call the media? They keep feeding the public with spoon-sized information, while they prepare for the collapse of the entire financial system, the public being the losers.
There are many things the Wizard of Oz screens are not telling you because their owners have practically placed a zipper over their mouths. They don’t tell you that there is a plan called the New World Order to create a One-World Government, with a one-world Constitution and one currency under the United Nations, and one world bank.
To do this, the real controllers of this plan need to make all the banks and the financial system fail or go bankrupt, so they will be able to purchase your stocks and mortgages at their lowest value. It’s the beginning of the end of private enterprise.
Everything will be owned by the International Monetary Fund, owner of the Federal Reserve Bank, which prints the currency of the United States, and lend it bank to the government with interest.
Someone suggested a little while ago that both communism and capitalism were created by these same forces, and although they look different, both give the state the power to own the people’s property and labor. And this make the people slaves of the state.
If you can tell, Congress, the President, the Federal Reserve Chairman and the United States Treasurer worked so hard to keep the people out of the bailout benefits, which could have included all the mortgages owned by the middle-class, therefore putting a halt to the evictions of millions of Americans about to lose their homes.
State Green Party presidential nominee Cynthia McKinney, said that the Wall Street bailout is nothing more than socialism for the wealthy.
A state and national financial collapse was predicted, in large part, by the recently deceased Peter Camejo, the Green Party’s three-time nominee for California governor, who died on Sept. 13 of cancer.
“Both major parties have been dominated by moneyed interests and today reflect the historic period of corporate rule,” wrote Camejo, a socially responsible investment counselor, in an historic document now called “The Avocado Declaration,” said a party document.
Camejo predicted the takeover of the federal government on Wall Street because “Republicans seek to convince the middle classes and labor to support the rule of the wealthy with the argument that ‘what benefi ts corporations is also going to benefi t regular people.’” The Democratic Party, he said, is different, but still beholden to “corporate rulers.”
That’s right, “beholden to corporate rulers,” and also to part of the scam perpetrated against we the people, in perpetrating the enslavement by submitting to receive worthless “money” that won’t sustain its value for our labor.
And although the Green Party is a third-party option to breaking the monopoly of the two-party system, it is still far from being different from the other two, unless it truly advocates openly for the abolishment of the Federal Reserve Bank. Unless the Reserve is abolished, we won’t really accumulate the wealth we deserve, from our hard labor and be able to inherit to our next generations. It is this banking system, dictating the inflation and deflation of our currency that is stealing the fruit of our labor.
To start, however, what many are calling the “revolution” to change the current corrupt system, we must break the monopoly of these two political parties, who on every election both are funded by the same sources.
It’s a very well-planned conspiracy: the media, the Congress and the bankers work together in order to keep sustaining their command of who is going to be elected, who is going to be placed on the Wizard of Oz screen for the people to vote for. All to make the public believe they are the only option to choose from, to lead us- into the hell we are heading to.
We must vote for a third party on this election.