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The top of the pyramid: The Rothschilds, the British Crown and the Vatican rule the world – Part 5 and Last


I found this interesting article that addresses some parts of the history that we never saw in the past or see in present history books, and how the United States and the Federal Government came to be. Due to its length, El Reportero will publish it in parts every week. Hope you enjoy it and help you to expand your perspective in the history of our political world.  It is also the story of why we pay income tax and to whom – MR. PART 5 and LAST of a series

by Before It’s News


“The Uniform Commercial Code was approved by the American Bar Association, which is a franchise, a subordinate branch of the British legal system and its hierarchy based in London’s Temple Bar (named after the Illuminati Knights Templar secret society).
As I have been writing for many years, the power that controls America is based in Britain and Europe because that is where the power is located that owns the United States Corporation. By the way, if you think it is strange that a court on dry land could be administered under Maritime Law, look at US Code, Title 18 B 7.
It says that Admiralty Jurisdiction is applicable in the following locations: (1) the high seas; (2) any American ship; (3) any lands reserved or acquired for the use of the United States, and under the exclusive or concurrent jurisdiction thereof, or any place purchased or otherwise acquired by the United States by consent of the legislature of the state.
In other words, mainland America. All this is founded on Roman law because the Illuminati have been playing this same game throughout the centuries wherever they have gone. The major politicians know that this is how things are and so do the government administrators, judges, lawyers and insider ‘journalists.’
Those who realize what is happening and ask the court for the name of the true creditor or recipients of the fines imposed by the ‘legal system’ are always refused this information by the judge.
The true creditors in such cases, and the ultimate recipient of the fines, are the bankers to which the corporation ‘country’ is bankrupt.” — David Icke – Tales from the Time Loop;
Lawyers, or “barristers,” have to take the Bar Association “bar” exam just as alcoholics go to the “bar,” sugar-junkies eat candy “bars,” and gamblers hope to get 3 “bars” on the slot machine. These all derive from the Templar’s turn of the 13th century “Temple Bar” in England.
Originally the Temple Bar was literally just a bar, or chain between two posts next to the Temple law courts.  This soon became a huge stone gate and there were eventually eight of these gates built so the elites could restrict/control trade within the city of London.
They were taken down during 19th century, but then each stone was numbered and kept in storage until 2004 when they just rebuilt the Temple Bar in London.
“The United States corporation was created behind the screen of a ‘Federal Government’ when, after the manufactured ‘victory’ in the American War of ‘Independence’, the British colonies exchanged overt dictatorship from London with the far more effective covert dictatorship that has been in place ever since.
In effect, the Virginia Company, the corporation headed by the British Crown that controlled the ‘former’ colonies, simply changed its name to the United States and other related pseudonyms.
These include the US, USA, United States of America, Washington DC, District of Columbia, Federal Government and ‘Feds’. The United States Corporation is based in the District of Columbia and the current president of the corporation is a man called George W. Bush.
He is not the president of the people or the country as they are led to believe, that’s just the smokescreen. This means that Bush launched a ‘war on terrorism’ on behalf of a private corporation to further the goals of that corporation.
It had nothing to do with’ America’ or ‘Americans’ because these are very different legal entities. It is the United States Corporation that owns the United States military and everything else that comes under the term ‘federal.’
This includes the Federal Reserve, the ‘central bank’ of the United States, which is, in reality, a private bank owned by controlling stockholders (and controllers of the US Corporation) that are not even American. This is the bank from which the United States Corporation borrows ‘money’.” — David Icke – Tales from the Time Loop;
The Shocking Truth About Your Birth Certificate
“If you notice on the bottom of your birth certificate it says Department of Commerce.  It is a property of the Department of Commerce because you are nothing more than a piece of commercial material. That’s why if you’re out of work you don’t go to the unemployment office, you go to the Office of Human Resources, because you’re just a human resource.” — Jordan Maxwell, 1990 Slideshow Presentation on Hidden Symbols;
The Judge sits on the bench for the bank.  Banks are on both sides of a river. A river bank directs the flow of the current/sea – the currency, the cash flow. The current-sea is “deposited” from bank to bank down the river.
We’re just “consumers” to advertise to, just “human resources” to be used up like batteries, and they are the “social engineers,” molding us “useless eaters” into wage slavery.
Read The Atlantean Conspiracy if you want to learn more.
References: Mark Owen, Truth Control, Virginia Company, The Atlantean Conspiracy; | Additions by Alexander Light, HumansAreFree.com;
– See more at: http://humansarefree.com/2014/09/the-top-of-pyramid-rothschilds-british.html#sthash.CHochvC8.dpuf

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