Wednesday, March 5, 2025
HomeThe sky is falling but no one seems to be concerned

The sky is falling but no one seems to be concerned

by Marvin J. Ramírez

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin ­Ramírez­

Merry Christmas?

Should we sing, jingo bell, jingo bell, or Merry, Merry Christmas, and pretend that nothing is happening to the economy?

You may look at Sock It To The Holidays, a cartoon video not very funny, that tells us things we already know, in the form of cartoons.

“Dow, 401k might all go, and while you and I get squats, billionaires get help, strippers on a yacht, and banks want a pass, then the tab comes to me and you… the economy is crap, so I would rather take a nap. We were promised change and opportunity. When you gonna knock, in the coming year? As of today, Merry, merry, merry Christmas!

How many stores, GM is broke, the other two as well, welcome to hell, where will it end, but we still have Angie and Brad for the middle class, Britney is back!” ­

We see them on ET, at the supermarkets. North American people love entertainment.

So much they don’t care when someone tells them to wake up from their dream. They respond with a, “that’s a conspiracy theory.” And this is because they expect CNN and Fox News to say it first. Otherwise then won’t hear what you want them to hear.

The sky is falling, but no one seems to care, because, as long as the soap operas and football games keep showing on their TV screen, what’s falling is the hair from your head.

Read The Revolution, A Manifesto, by Ron Paul, who retells us how much is true and how much we have been lied to. A great book for those who care.

Politicians ask for more cops, while the jails ask for more space. The schools ask for more teachers, but students don’t make money to the state, so they hire more police instead. As our youth find themselves without a proper training and nothing to do, they find amusement in the flicks Hollywood makes. They teach themselves how to reenact crime scenes from the screen, to practice it in the real life. So politicians ask for more cops, because the more inmates are trapped, a bigger dividend will come back to the city’s banks.

The government is expanding, taxes are increasing, more senseless wars are being planned, inflation is ballooning, and our basic freedoms are disappearing, Paul explains in his book.

I also read about the out of control foreign debt, enriched bankers and big business…made it easy to loot the country…and turned a rich country into a poor one, wiping out its middle class in the process. Sound familiar?

The corruption of the Banks(ters), controlled by the World Bank/IMF, is all over the world, now we are living it here in the united States of America.

And all this economic mess that we are seeing now, was all done on purpose, according to internet sources. The following is one of those excerpts I found, and it explains some of it.

“When George W. Bush was named president by the Supreme Court in December 2000, the stock market had begun to decline with the bursting of the bubble.

­“Signs of recession had begun to show in early 2001. The stock market crashed after 9/11. The U.S. invaded Afghanistan in October 2001 and Iraq in March 2003.

“Mortgage banks begin falsifying mortgage applications to show more borrower income than borrowers actually possessed.

“Mortgage brokers fed the growing bubble by telling people they should buy now because housing prices would keep going up. State and local governments began to cut budgets and jobs.

“Crash of the U.S. financial system hit by September 2008. The crash of the U.S. economy began to reverberate around the world with bankers and the IMF warning of an onrushing global recession.”

Wake up people, there is no time to waste. Get educated to free yourself. Marry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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