Wednesday, March 5, 2025
HomeThe situation the country is going through should be taken seriously -...

The situation the country is going through should be taken seriously – we are all in danger

by Marvin J. Ramirez

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ramirez

According to an electronic mail received at El Reportero, last week, units which establish command and control apparatus for martial law has indicated that orders for establishment of all necessary command, communications, and control mechanism is underway. And as this edition goes to press, they should be ready to issue orders to any troops, law enforcement, government, or private contractors needed to effect immediate martial law.

“Numerous reports of troops movement and military flights of unusual nature in many parts of the U.S.” are being detected by those who monitor military communications, said the email.

And triggered by the seriousness of the banking fall out, one of the top precious metal dealers in the world said “that the majority of their physical gold and platinum bullion and coins were purchased Wednesday, Oct. 1, 2008 by a few huge players from Asia…”

The email says that there has been a continued scuttlebutt for a false or real flag of a possible threat involving nuclear weapons to hit the U.S., possibly NYC, which has intensified. Though it has been quieted on TV and radio, it says possibly Pakistani-controlled al-Qaida or other Jihad actors may carry it out… and “attempts to link Iran, Syrian, and Pakistan to the attack will probably surface regardless of who sanctioned it.”

The document indicates that there are strong indications from China, Russia, and European banks that if the U.S. does not pay them off for their piles of worthless tranches of securitized mortgages and derivative oriented instruments… perhaps even in gold… dire consequences may happen.

If the U.S. attacks Iran, as we have previously mentioned, there will not be oil tankers coming out of the Persian Gulf, hence there won’t be gas for trucks delivering food to the cities. There will be hunger.

As soon as the world banking system collapses, the crisis will torpedo street protests, and possibly riots, rank sacking and vandalism, which could mean our families would be facing eminent danger.

The email recommends that to protect yourself and your families, which many are already doing, to do a last minute purchasing of large quantities of food, water and purification supplies, medical supplies, fire arms and ammo, NBC gear (gas mask), camping equipment and tools. Your local peace officers might not be available to protect you.

And while these warning could not be accurate, they could be, Many might think this is ridiculous, but things are happening so rapidly, that you might wake up one of these days and find out that the banks are closed, and your credit cards don’t work, and chaos on the street. Without low and order. So, see if you can keep you cash with you. And things are also getting worse for all of us in other areas.

The NSA (National Security Agency) and the Chinese government are working together, through the U.N., to draft plans for systems that would enable all Internet sessions to be authoritatively traced back to their origins, reads another mail.

“A United Nations agency is quietly drafting technical standards, proposed by the Chinese government, to define methods of tracing the original source of Internet communications and potentially curbing the ability of users to remain anonymous,” the document explains.


A political opponent to a government publishes articles putting the government in an unfavorable light. The government, having a law against any opposition, tries to identify the source of the negative articles, but the articles having been published via a proxy server, is unable to do so protecting the anonymity of the author. This is the dead of public opinion and the beginning of all individual liberties to criticize the government, if it happens.

In the election arena.

I believe the ones who should be blamed for all this destruction of our liberties, and the economy are the Democratic and Republican parties for corrupts, which aided by the mainstream media and soap operas offered by TV industry, have kept us all in a state of delusion, in a fantasy world, while the bankers have invaded every bit of our lives indebting us to the neck, while paying us with worthless currency.

I believe, because of the monopoly of these two political parties hold, is that we are the way we are voting for the same parties that hurt us, with no other options to choose from when we go to the polls.

We need to break from them. We need to stop being the fools they have been making of us, presenting a scenario where only these political parties are the only ones capable, the only actors. They are fed by the same money powers to keep enslaving us with a corrupt Congress and an empty currency.

For the first time, I am taking a stance against them, for the sake of our country. On these elections, do not vote for any candidate who represents either of the Democratic or the Republican Party. They are the same thing, like in a marriage, where the husband is a vegetarian, and the wife loves meat. But they have an occasional fight whenever they go shopping for dinner.

Vote for either, the Green Party or the Libertarian Party. You will help break the two-party system monolopy, and allow a third one to create a healthy balance of the votes and an alternative.

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