by Marvin J. Ramirez
Marvin J. Ramirez
For years I believed the motto that we should abolish guns from the streets. As a peace lover, I always agreed. And most of the time sided with the democratic fervor of banning gun sales.
However, as I started reading literature about the Constitution, money matters, and government issues, I changed my mind radically.
I’ve been reading that since 1933, the United States of our Founding Fathers is not the same country. It’s not the same institution.
Perhaps I won’t be able to explain much in so little space in this editorial, but will try to enumerate some issues that should be of concern to all men and women in this country.
Many don’t know that the U.S. has been in bankruptcy since 1933, and when this took effect, a group of bankers bailed the government out with loans, so it could pay its obligations.
The Federal Reserve Bank was created by private bankers, and since then it has continued lending money to the government to sustain the economy, taking the contract, if we can call it that, to print the money of our nation.
The Federal Reserve created the IRS to collect the money owed to the government, and since then we the people have been paying the IRS our “income tax,” a tax that is actually unconstitutional, since the constitution prohibits taking private property without due process.
!No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law,” says the United States Constitution. And your income is private property.
Also, know that every cent that goes to the IRS not one penny goes to the government. And please, if anyone reading this article proves me wrong, I will publically apologize and recognize my error.
The Federal Reserve Bank, the printer of our money, lends the money to the municipalities based on their fiscal year budget and the Census count of people, but this money is a loan. This is why of the $14 trillion national debt we all have to carry. If you want to confirm this, please see a dollar bill. You will read: Federal Reserve Note. Note means “I owe you, promise to pay.” It is not real money. Let’s back up a little bit.
Because the government of the U.S. (corporation) had paid its loans to the Fed with real money exchangeable for gold, it was now insolvent and could no longer retire its debt. It now had no choice but to file chapter 11. Under the Emergency Banking Act (March 9, 1933, 48 Stat.1, Public law 89-719) President Franklin Roosevelt effectively dissolved the United States Federal Government by declaring the entity bankrupt and insolvent.
Here explains what I said that the United States of the founding fathers is no longer our government, rather, what we have now is a private corporation serving the interest of the international bankers.
June 5, 1933 Congress enacted HJR 192 which made all debts, public or private, no longer collectable in gold. Instead, all debts public or private were to be payable in un-backed Fed-create fiat currency (the current dollar). This new currency would now be legal tender in the U.S. for all debts public and private.
Henceforth, our Constitution would be continuously eroded due to the fact that our nation is now owned “lock stock and barrel,” by a private consortium of international bankers, contemptuous of any freedoms or sovereignties intended by our forefathers. This was all accomplished by design.
I also read that because the international bankers owe our country, and because it can’t pay its debt, they could foreclose the country, and hence suspend the Constitution and declare a state of emergency at any time.
What happened in Katrina was no accident. Federal, state, and local police went house to house confiscating the people guns, and then remove the people from their own homes. Without guns, how can we the people defend ourselves from tyranny, if suddenly we find ourselves being ruled by a dictatorship?
Our funding fathers did envision this. That’s why the Second Amendment to the Constitution guarantees the right to bear arms, and we should never allow a local, state, or federal government, to convince us that no guns is better because it decreases crime.
America’s gun-rights lobby celebrated yesterday as the U.S. Supreme Court ruled individual Americans have a constitutional right to own guns for personal use.