by Marvin Ramirez

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: As we continue being mind-controlled via the television with pornographically programming and lies by mainstream media, we are also being bombarded with content that encourages immorality and violence, and at the same time, removing our traditional believes in God from society and our school system, to the point that being Christian, is a political sin. The following article, written by Michael Snyder, of American Dream, brings us a very detailed evaluation of this issue. Due to its size, El Reportero will publish it in three parts. This is Part 1.
The name of Jesus has become a dirty word in politically correct America
by Michael Snyder
American Dream
In the United States today, there are very few words that provoke as much outrage as the name of Jesus. It is being banned from graduation ceremonies, chaplains all over America are being forbidden from using His name in their prayers, and many school officials all over the nation have become absolutely fanatical about eliminating every trace of Christian expression from their schools. One elementary school in North Carolina even ordered a little six-year-old girl to remove the word “God” from a poem that she had written to honor her grandfathers. Political correctness is spreading like a cancer in this country, and our “freedom of religion” is rapidly being transformed into a guarantee of “freedom from religion” for those that hate the Christian faith.
Without a doubt, there is a war on the Christian faith in America today. It is being waged in classrooms, courtrooms and churches all over the nation.
The following is an excerpt from a speech that Rand Paul gave earlier this year…
There is a war on Christianity, not just from liberal elites here at home, but worldwide.
And your government, or more correctly, you, the taxpayer, are funding it.
Evidence of this war on Christianity is everywhere these days. The following are just a few examples…
-An elementary school in North Carolina ordered a little six-year-old girl to remove the word “God” from a poem that she wrote to honor her two grandfathers that had served in the Vietnam War.
-The Ohio Statehouse banned Christian pastors from using the name of Jesus when they open up the daily sessions with prayer.
-The use of the name Jesus was also forbidden in all prayers opening sessions of the North Carolina State-House.
-Last year, a federal appeals court ruled that prayers before commission meetings in Forsyth County, North Carolina that included the name of Jesus were unconstitutional.
-Earlier this year, a Florida Atlantic University student that refused to stomp on the name of Jesus was banned from class.
-A student at Sonoma State University was ordered to take off a cross that she was wearing because someone “could be offended“.
-A teacher in New Jersey was fired for giving his own Bible to a student that did not own one.
-An open air preacher in Illinois was recently threatened with arrest for “scaring people” with the message of the gospel.
-A high school track team was disqualified earlier this year because one of the runners “made a gesture thanking God” once he had crossed the finish line.
-Volunteer chaplains for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department have been banned from using the name of Jesus in their public prayers. Sadly, this is not an isolated incident. Chaplains all over the nation are now being banned from using the name of Jesus.
-In recent months, daredevil Nik Wallenda has walked a tightrope across Niagara Falls and has walked a tightrope across the Grand Canyon, and yet both times the mainstream media has gone out of the way to keep the name of Jesus out of news reports…
Despite Nik Wallenda’s frequent mentions of God the Father and Jesus during his high-wire crossing of Niagara Falls Friday night, an ABC News blog documenting virtually every moment of the achievement makes no mention of his verbal thanks to the Creator.
Wallenda, 33, the great grandson of legendary tightrope walker Karl Wallenda, walked across Niagara Falls on a high wire, as hundreds watched on TV at a block party in his Florida hometown of Sarasota, Fla., and millions of others tuned in for ABC television coverage.
Wallenda was fitted with a microphone during his tension-filled, 25-minute saunter at 200 feet high, and he could be heard praising God numerous times as he walked the length of four football fields from New York to Canada. A recently released 140 page report entitled “The Survey of Religious Hostility in America” included some more examples of how Christianity is being systematically oppressed in America today…
• A federal judge threatened ‘incarceration’ to a high school valedictorian unless she removed references to Jesus from her graduation speech.
• City officials prohibited senior citizens from praying over their meals, listening to religious messages or singing gospel songs at a senior activities center.
• A public school official prevented a student from handing out flyers inviting her classmates to an event at her church.
• A public university’s law school banned a Christian organization because it required its officers to adhere to a statement of faith that the university disagreed with.
• The U.S. Department of Justice argued before the Supreme Court that the federal government can tell churches and synagogues which pastors and rabbis it can hire and fire.
• The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs banned the mention of God from veterans’ funerals, overriding the wishes of the deceased’s families.
• A federal judge held that prayers before a state House of Representatives could be to Allah but not to Jesus.
Are you starting to get the picture?