Wednesday, March 5, 2025
HomeThe great banking fraud is a shame

The great banking fraud is a shame

by Marvin Ramírez

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ram­íre­z­­

­For those families who are losing their home every day because of the fraud committed against them, my most sincere condolence for them.

Most of you, borrowers, were lied to by the banksters. The same ones who print the money control the interest rate, control the inflation and deflation, and set all the money rules: the Federal Reserve Bank. We are trapped by them. All of us.

What we are paid for our services and wages is not real money. Money is based by gold and silver, according to the U.S. Constitution. What we earn now is a piece of paper with an imaginary value, which if you don’t use it quickly, it will vanish.

And if the creators decide to devaluate it next week, then you might lose part of its value immediately to inflation. And who keeps the value that you lose? It doesn’t evaporate into the air, for sure.

You see, all the ‘money’ in circulation is lent to the government every year, based on the budget proposal that every government entity submits to the U.S. Congress, their State Assembly, or their City Council or Supervisors, for the following fiscal year. It’s been so since the Great Depression.

What you hear that we owe now days as a nation, is the so called National Debt, which according to documents, Congress and the Federal Reserve made a contract, which states that only the interest would be payable, not the principal. So, when we work, we get paid with phony money that we can’t save for our next generation, while the banksters (the elite), get pay with the nation’s gold, real money, which they use to buy islands, prime real estate, and so on. That’s why they are so powerful. They own most of the land in the world.

Meanwhile, you and me, those who ‘buy’ a house, have to use credit, because there is no money in circulation since 1933. The United States Congress removed the gold standard – the real money – and left our government borrowing since then, and the elite want us to keep us borrowing until it destroy us.

So if you ever wondered why we all – rich and poor – have to borrow money for almost everything, is because of that. That is why banks don’t work with cash. They use Promissory Notes, a document with borrowers’ signature, while we the people are forced to use Federal Reserved Notes (or green dollars).

And unless you are a banker, you cannot understand how the banking system works, as most people rely on their local real estate agent, who, with his or her selling skills, make the sale as quick as possible.

­The papers are signed, the seller says sign here, the buyer looks for the spot to be signed, and the deal is closed. Congratulations for your new house.

But is it your house for real? Of course not. It belongs to the government, which use it as collateral for the money it borrows.

This is the work of an elite who rules us all, and who have made us their slaves.

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