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The Federal Reserve Cartel A Financial Parasite – 2nd of the forth part

FROM THE EDITOR: Dear reader: this is the second of the fourth part of this series, The Federal Reserve Cartel, which chronically explains the history of the Fed and the false perception which has resulted in Americans believing it’s part of the U.S. Government when – The Fed Reserve is a private for-profit bank that ought be abolished.

This is an excerpt from a book
by Dean Henderson

To this end: George Marshall unveiled what would become known as the Marshall Plan, a common sense “time-limited” – not indefinite – approach to solving other countries economic problems the US government found itself involved in.

At the time, General Julius Klein headed the US Army Counterintelligence Corps, which later produced Henry Kissinger.

In the interest of aiding Israel in becoming a sovereign state, after WWII, Klein diverted Marshall Plan monies aided at aiding Europe, to Zionist terror-cells in Palestine, channeling the funds through the Sonneborn Institute, controlled by Baltimore chemical magnate Rudolph Sonneborn. His wife Dorothy Schiff was a Warburg relative. Chronically: the Kuhn-Loebs came to Manhattan with the Warburg’s. During that time, Bronfman’s came to Canada as a part of the Moses Montefiore Jewish Colonization Committee, which were part of Genoese nobility since the 13th Century. The di Spadaforas served that function for the Italian House of Savoy, which was bankrolled by the Israel Moses Seif family for which Israel is named.

The Bronfman’s, who were tied to Arnold Rothstein, was a product of the Rothschild’s dry goods empire, allegedly founded organized crime in New York City. Rothstein was succeeded by Lucky Luciano, Meyer Lansky, Robert Vesco and Santos Trafficante. The Bronfman’s were intermarried with the Rothschild’s, Loeb’s and Lambert’s.

In this same period, in 1917, the 16th Amendment, levying a national estudiincome tax, was added to the US Constitution, and while it was only ratified by two of the required 36 states, it passed and was implemented.

The IRS is a private corporation registered in Delaware. Four years earlier the Rockefeller Foundation was launched, to shield family wealth from the new income tax provisions, while steering public opinion through social engineering.

One of its tentacles was the General Education Board and in its “Occasional Letter” the Board 2stated, “In our dreams we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present education conventions fade from their minds and unhampered by tradition, we will work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk. We shall try not to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or men of science…of whom we have ample supply.”

Though most Americans think of the Federal Reserve as a government institution, it is privately held by the Eight Families. The Secret Service is: employed by the Federal Reserve – not by the Executive Branch.

An exchange between Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and Fed Chairman Paul Volcker at Senate hearings in 1982 is instructive. Kennedy must have thought of his older brother John when he told Volcker, “If he were before the committee as a member of US Treasury things would be much different.”

Volcker, puffing a cigar, responded cavalierly, “That’s probably true. But I believe it was intentionally ­designed this way.” Rep. Lee Hamilton (DIN) stabbed back, “People realize that what that board of yours does has a very profound impact on their pocketbooks, and yet it is a group of people basically inaccessible to them and unaccountable to them.”

President Wilson spoke of, “a power so organized, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breaths when they speak in condemnation of it.” Rep. Charles Lindberg (D-NY) was more blunt, railing against Wilson’s Federal Reserve Act, which had cleverly been dubbed the “People’s Bill.” Lindberg declared that the Act would “establish the most gigantic trust on earth… When the president signs this act, the invisible government by the money-power will be legitimized.

The law will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation. From now on, depressions will be scientifically created. The invisible government by the moneypower, proven to exist by the Money Trust Investigation, will be legalized. The whole Central Bank concept was engineered by the very group it was supposed to strip of power.” IT WILL CONTINUE NEXT WEEK.

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