Monday, March 3, 2025
HomeThe fed cannot regulate guns and ammo made in a state

The fed cannot regulate guns and ammo made in a state

by Marvin J. Ramirez

Marvin  J. RamírezMarvin J. Ramírez

Of course, unless we read and watch alternative media, North Americans will never be able to know what is really going on behind the economic and government scene. An email from May 21 containing an article called, Bilderberg Group orders “total destruction of the dollar, by Sorcha Faal, tells of a report from the Kremlin about the dark Bilderberg Group, which the previous week held it annual reunion in Greece. It states that the financial, political, and commercial elite concluded their meeting after reaching an accord that, in order to continue its target toward a new world order, dominated by western powers, the dollar must be “totally” destroyed.”

Is not a secrete that the United States, since 1933, has been in bankruptcy, and in order to pay its bills and bailout its partners – the international bankers (International Monetary Fund) and failed corporations, it has to borrow money every year. This is why our government has to prepare a budget at every level of government every year.

They must state to their lord – the Federal Reserve Bank – how much they are going to need for next year, and since our state and local government loves to “take care of us so we don’t to work hard – they spend more every year. Our local government then reinvents the wheel every year, coming up with smart solutions: more taxes without representation. In other words, it is the confiscation of private property without due process from the people, which they always convince us it is for out own good. And we, like good slaves, do not oppose it.

According to the article, even worst is a report from the U.S. about these reunions that show a worse scenario.

“Daniel Estulin, investigative journalist, which information from the inside of the Bilderberg group has demonstrated systematically to be precise, establishes that the world elite glides to destroy the economy completely and finally, to reduce the world population by two thirds. This has caused fear even inside the same Bilderberg, since the consequences of such chaos ultimately might give place for the globalists top lose its control on the world.”

Daniel Estulin is an award-winning investigative journalist who has been researching the Bilderbergers for 15 years. He is the author of an international best seller THE TRUE HISTORY OF THE BILDERBERG CLUB, published in 28 countries.

“ABC News dedicated today (last month) an outstanding news story of three pages about a “secret meeting “ of rich philanthropists that took place at the beginning of this month in New York and nevertheless, this one, one of the biggest news companies in the United States it kept complete silence in regards to a much more important meeting of about 150 people belonging to the world of the economic power in the conference Bilderberg last week,” according to Faal.

Russian analysts predict that their fears about “ losing the control “ due to the ­catastrophic chaos in which they are compromising our World are, in fact, valid, especially from the unleashing on the Earth population of the variant of the porcine flu H1N1, product of the bioengineering, which continues its inexorable march of death and illness across all our Earth, and when this join with the entire collapse of the economic world system, this alone can lead to an Entire War.

Anyone of our readers who want to rebut this information as untrue, is welcome to send his or her comment. We will print it.. Otherwise, I encourage all of you, to stand up and call your local congress representative to vote for an audit of the Federal Reserve Bank, which is the one company responsible for the economic chaos we are facing today.

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