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HomeThe Agenda of the Illuminti (24nd part of a multi series)

The Agenda of the Illuminti (24nd part of a multi series)

­by Marvin Ramíre­z­

­­Marvin  J. Ramírez­Ma­rv­in­ R­­a­m­­­í­r­­­ez­­­­­­

NOTE FROM THE ­EDITOR: Given the important and historical information contained in this 31-page article on the history of the secret and evil society, The Illuminati, El Reportero is honored to provide our readers with the opportunity to read such a document by Myron C. Fagan, which mainstream media has labeled it a conspiracy theory. To better understand this series, we suggest to also read the previous articles published in our previous editorials.

This is the twenty- fourth part of the series.

The following is a transcript of a recording distributed in 1967 by Myron C. Fagan.

He had hoped that if enough Americans had heard (or read) this summary, the Illuminati takeover agenda for America would have been aborted, just as Russia’s Alexander I had torpedoed the Illuminati’s plans for a One World, League of Nations at the Congress of Vienna from 1814-15. Fagan correctly describes those members of congress, the executive branch, and the judicial branch of that time as TRAITORS for their role in assisting to implement the downfall of America’s sovereignty. It’s understandable that most listeners of that period would have found it impossible to believe that the Kennedy’s, for instance, were (are) part of the Illuminati plot, but he did say that Jack had a spiritual rebirth and attempted to rescue the country from the Illuminati’s stranglehold by issuing U.S. silver certificates, which apparently greatly contributed to the Illuminati’s decision to assassinate him (his son, John Jr., was also murdered because he had intended to expose his father’s killers after he gained public office).

— And surely you know that the U.N. policy during the Korean and Vietnam Wars was to prevent us from winning those wars?

Do you know that all the battle plans of General McArther had to go first to the U.N. to be relayed to Vasialia, Commander of the North Koreans and Red Chinese, and that any future wars fought by our sons under the U.N. flag would have to be fought by our sons under the control of the U.N. Security Council? Do you know that the U.N. has never done anything about the 80,000 Russian Mongolian troops that occupy Hungary? Where was the U.N. when the Hungarian freedom fighters were slaughtered by the Russians [1956]?

Do you know that the U.N. and its peace army turned the Congo over to the communists? Do you know that the U.N.’s own, so-called, peace force was used to crash, rape, and kill the white anticommunists in Katanga?

Do you know that the U.N. stood by and did nothing while Red China invaded Laos and Vietnam? That it did nothing while Nero invaded Goa and other Portuguese territories? Do you know that the U.N. was directly responsible for aiding Castro? That it does absolutely nothing about the many thousands of Cuban youngsters who are shipped to Russia for communist indoctrination.

Do you know that Adlai Stevenson said: “the free world must expect to loose more and more decisions in the U.N..” Do you know that the U.N. openly proclaims that its chief objective is a “one-world government” which means “one-world laws,” “oneworld court,” “one-world schools,” and a “one world church” in which Christianity would be prohibited?

Do you know that a U.N. law has been passed to disarm all American citizens and to transfer all our armed forces to the U.N.? Such a law was secretly signed by saint’ Jack Kennedy in 1961. Do you realize how that fi ts in with Article 47, paragraph 3, of the U.N. Charter, which states and I quote: “the military staff committee of the U.N. shall be responsible through the Security Council for the strategic direction of all armed forces  placed at the disposal of the Security Council” and when and if all our armed forces are transferred to the U.N., your sons would be forced to serve and die under the U.N. command all over the world. This will happen unless you fi ght to get the U.S. out of the U.N.

Do you know that Congressmen James B. Utt has submitted a bill to get the U.S. out of the U.N. and a resolution to prevent our President from forcing us to support the U.N. embargoes on Rhodesia? Well, he has and many people all over the country are writing to  their representatives to supportthe Utt bill and resolution. Fifty Congressmen, spear headed by Schweiker and Moorhead of Pennsylvania, have introduced a bill to immediately transfer all our armed forces to the U.N.? Can you imagine

such brazen treason? Is your Congressman one of those 50 traitors? Find out and take immediate action against him and help Congressman Utt.

­Now do you know that the National Council of Churches passed a resolution in San Francisco which states that the United States will soon have to subordinate its will to that of the U.N. and that all American citizens must be prepared to accept it? Is your church a member of the National Council of Churches? In connection with that, bear in mind that God is never mentioned in the U.N. Charter and their meetings are never opened with prayer. IT WILL CONTINUE ON THE NEXT WEEK EDITION.

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