Thursday, March 6, 2025
HomeThe agenda of the Illuminati - 23nd part of the series

The agenda of the Illuminati – 23nd part of the series

by Marvin Ramíre­z­­

­Marvin  J. Ramírez­Ma­rv­in­ R­­a­m­­­í­r­­ez­­­­­­­

They considered it a necessary sacrifice to further their Illuminati oneworld plot just as the slaughter of the many millions in the wars that followed was a similar necessary sacrifice. And here is another grisly detail about those concentration camps. Many of the Hitler soldier executioners in those camps had previously been sent to Russia to acquire their arts of torture and brutalization so as to emphasize the horrors of the atrocities.

All this created a new world-wide hatred for the German people but it still did not provide a cause for a war. There upon Hitler was incited to demand the “Sudetenland” and you remember how Chamberlain and the then diplomats of Czechoslovakia and France surrendered to that demand. That demand led to further Hitlerian demands for territories in Poland and in the French Czar territories and those demands were rejected. Then came his [Non-Aggression] pact with Stalin.

Hitler had been screaming hatred against communism (Oh how he ranted against communism), but actually nazism was nothing but socialism, and communism is, in fact, socialism. But Hitler disregarded all that. He entered into a pact with Stalin to attack and divide Poland between them. While Stalin marched into one part of Poland (for which he was never blamed [the Illuminati masterminds saw to that]); Hitler launched a “blitzkrieg” on Poland from his side. The conspirators finally had their new world war and what a horrible war it was. And in 1945; the conspirators finally achieved the United Nations, their new housing for their one-world government. And truly amazing; all of the American people hailed this foul outfit as a Holy of Holies. Even after all the true facts about how the U.N. was created were revealed, the American people continued to worship that evil outfit. Even after Alger Hess was unmasked as a Soviet spy and traitor, the American people continued to believe in the U.N.

Even after I had publicly revealed the secret agreement between Hess and Mulatoff that a Russian would always be the head of the military secretariat and by that token, the real master of the U.N.. But most of the American people continued to believe that the U.N. could do no wrong. Even after Trig D. Lee, the first Secretary general of the U.N. confirmed that Hess-Mulatoff secret agreement in his book: For The Cause of Peace, Vasialia was given a leave of absence by the U.N. so that he could take command of the North Koreans and Red Chinese who were fighting the so-called U.N. police action under our own General McArthur, who, by orders of the U.N., was fired by the pusillanimous president Truman in order to prevent him from winning that war.

Our people still believed in the U.N. despite our 150,000 sons who were murdered and maimed in that war; the people continued to regard the U.N. as a sure means for peace even after it was revealed in 1951 that the U.N. (using our own American soldiers under U.N. command, under the U.N. flag, in collusion with our traitorous State Department and the Pentagon) had been invading many small cities in California and Texas in order to perfect their plan for the complete takeover of our country. Most of our people brushed it off and continued their belief that the U.N. is a Holy of Holies.

­Do you know that the U.N. Charter was written by traitor Alger Hess, Mulatoff, and Vyshinsky? That Hess and Mulatoff had made within that secret agreement that the military chief of the U.N. was always to be a Russian appointed by Moscow? Do you know that at their secret meetings at Yalta; Roosevelt and Stalin, at the behest of the Illuminati operating as the CFR, decided that the U.N. must be placed on American soil?

Do you know that most of the U.N. Charter was copied intact, word for word, from the Marx Communist Manifesto and the Russian, so-called, constitution? Do you know that the only two Senators who voted against the U.N. Charter had read it? Do you know that since the U.N. was founded, communist enslavement has grown from 250,000 to 1,000,000,000? Do you know that since the U.N. was founded to insure peace there have been at least 20 major wars incited by the U.N., just as they incited war against little Rhodesia and Kuwait?

Do you know that under the U.N. set up, the American taxpayers have been forced to make up the U.N. Treasury deficit of many millions of dollars because of Russia’s refusal to pay her share? Do you know that the U.N. had never passed a resolution condemning Russia or her so-called satellites; but always condemns our Allies?

Do you know that J. Edgar Hoover said: “the overwhelming majority of the communist delegations to the U.N. are espionage agents” and that 66 Senators voted for a “Consular Treaty” to open our entire country to Russian spies and saboteurs? Do you know that the U.N. helps Russia’s conquest of the world by preventing the free world from taking any action whatsoever except to debate each new aggression in the U.N. General Assembly? Do you know that at the time of the Korean War there were 60 Nations in the U.N., yet 95 porce of the U.N. forces were our American sons and practically 100% of the cost was paid by the United States taxpayers?

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