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HomeEditorialThe 2010s: The decade in review?

The 2010s: The decade in review?

Dear readers:

In closing this 2010s decades, I bring to you a small farewell written by one of my favorites investigative journalists, James Corbett, who give his last review for the last 10 years. But due to lack of space, I had to chop it.


by James Corbett


It’s December of 2019, so you know what that means: We’ve arrived at that special time when newsletter writers start penning their “Decade in Review” articles and pedants vainly contend that, “aKtUAlLy, the new decade doesn’t start until 2021!”

So let’s ignore the pedants and get to that moment you’ve all been waiting for: The moment when I reveal my choice for the story of the decade.

The 2010s were obviously a rollercoaster of a ride, including everything from wars and riots to false flag terror events and geopolitical upheaval (and even the occasional good news story!). But you may be surprised that I believe that the 2010s will go down in the books as “The Decade That America Lost Its Hegemon.”

This will be especially surprising if you watched New World Next Year 2020 and saw that I picked the USSA unilaterally re-asserting its Monroe Doctrine dominance over the entire Western hemisphere as my choice for the news story of 2019. After all, doesn’t a story like that simply prove that America continues to see itself as the unchallenged (and unchallengeable) unitary world superpower?

No, not necessarily. In fact, I would say—echoing Ryan Christian in a recent edition of The Last American Vagabond—”They [Uncle Sam & co.] are losing their influence, but that’s why they’re wielding what they have left.”

Don’t believe me? Let’s roll up our sleeves and take a look at some of the lowlights of the last 10 years, shall we?

Libya: Mission Accomplished?

Libya marks the last clear-cut victory for the Old World Order. From the beginning, everyone with his head screwed on straight was calling the 2011 campaign to drop humanitarian love bombs on Libya for what it was: a naked money and resource grab and an attempt to re-closet some old skeletons. And (spoiler alert!) documents later proved we in the reality-based community were right.

In the end, The assassination of Gaddafi marked the last time the NATO mobsters were able to exert their will on the global stage uncontested. In the infamous words of Hillary Clinton: “We came. We saw. He died.

But even though Libya was a “Mission Accomplished” for Obama, Clinton, Sarkozy and the other psychopaths-in-chief, in some ways it gave rise to the problems that are now threatening to crumble the Old World Order.

Of the many interesting (and largely unexplored) aspects of the Libya invasion, one of the most important was the fact that Libya represented the opening salvo in a hidden (and still escalating) proxy war in Africa between Washington and Beijing. As I noted at the time, some of the first targets of the Libyan campaign were Chinese business interests in the oil rich Eastern parts of the country, a fact that was not lost on China (or Russia, for that matter). Never again would China and Russia rubber stamp the UN resolutions that would be used to steamroll over a country that they were invested in.

Which brings us naturally to . . .

Syria: Mission Unaccomplished

The campaign to topple the Syrian government seemed to be cast in the Libyan campaign mold. In fact, I was warning that Syria was in danger of becoming Libya 2.0 before Gaddafi had even been killed.

A years-long covert campaign to overthrow the Syrian government? Check.

Cries that a tyrant worse than Hitler (who is also a suicidal madman) is “brutally suppressing his own people” while they engaged in “peaceful demonstrations“? Check.

An “international coalition” willing to train, fund, arm and equip the “moderate rebels” who were trying to overthrow the Syrian government? Check.

In fact, all the dominos were in place, the red line was drawn, the false flags were flown and everything was set for another US-led NATO love bombing.

. . . But something happened. Or, more to the point, something didn’t happen. The green light wasn’t given, the all-out assault didn’t start. Even the creation of a new al-CIAda army, dubbed I-CIA-SIS was not enough to justify the lusted-after invasion.

Incredibly, here we are about to close out the decade and Assad is still in power.

Syria has been wracked by years of struggle against the foreign terrorist insurgency, but the death blow has not been delivered. And now the Iranian bogeymen—who was always the ostensible target of the Syrian operation—wields even more power than they did at the start of the decade. Russian anti-missile systems now provide a powerful shield against NATO and Israeli military aggression.

There is something to be said for the idea that destabilization itself was the goal in Syria all along, but even so, not even the agents of chaos expected that the Syrian government would still be standing by now. And yet they are.

So what went wrong for the agents of the Old World Order?


The decade ended with one political puppet-in-chief announcing the retirement of the Osama bin Laden character and ended with another puppet-in-chief announcing the retirement of the Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi character. In between, there were no end of false flag events, from bombings and knifings to shootings and truck attacks. But in all this false flag chaos, one event in particular stands out: The creation of I-CIA-SIS, a new, improved al-CIAda 2.0 for the Millennials and Gen Zers who are too young to remember to be afraid of the 9/11 bogeymen.

From its inception, the alphabet soupers’ ISIS gambit reeked of desperation. A ragtag band of fighters supposedly rose up out of the sands of the desert to overthrow the Iraqi army, captured a convenient cache of weapons and a bank, setting off on a convoy across the desert that could be seen by everyone . . . but seemingly not stopped by anyone.

Were we really expected to swallow this cockamamie story?

The special forces agents caught dressing up as ISIS fighters?

The state-of-the-art ISIS media productions?

The time that ISIS got mad at 9/11 truthers (exactly as The Onion joked would happen)?

Well, we probably weren’t expected to believe it, but as long as there were enough Joe Sixpacks and Jane Soccermoms willing to go along with it, then the strategy of tension could be maintained and the globalists could go on with their false flag business as usual.

But here we are in 2019 and no one is talking ISIS anymore. They’re still trotted out every now and then to try to scare the public, but it’s a half-assed effort at best these days. Besides, the public is too busy squabbling about impeachment shenanigans to bother noticing what’s happening in Syria and Iraq anyway. Even resurrecting Baghdadi’s corpse to make a dramatic announcement that he had been killed (again) hardly registered as a blip on the news radar.

Yes, the propagandists and globalist planners hardly got any mileage out of their ISIS vehicle before it crashed and burned in the sands of the desert.

In the meantime, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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