Thursday, March 6, 2025
HomeSwine flu: an epidemic or a terrorism of State?

Swine flu: an epidemic or a terrorism of State?

by Marvin Ramírez

It’s really depressing to see how manipulative can mainstream media be, as they become shamelessly the mouthpiece of the government propaganda that creates panic among the population.

Mexican President Felipe Calderón just did that. On April 30, he sent a message to the nation voicing a state of panic, that the nation had been hit by a swine flu, which was a “new and incurable” virus that had already caused several dead.

“Don’t leave the house, don’t go to school, the movies, nightclubs, etc.”, he said, and as an email received at our newsroom recently, they never said: “Don’t be afraid.” The truth is, they wanted to create panic.

According to the email, which derives from what is called the Shock Doctrine, the gripping story of how America’s “free market” policies that have come to dominate the world- through the exploitation of disaster-shocked people and countries,

The article’s author details that the virus is the same one that appeared some years ago, and was known as the “Asian Flu,” and which was simply a curtain of smoke to conceal the serious economic situation that was lived in Asia in those times.

And the article proceeds saying that the situation is the same in Mexico.

The same Thursday the Mexican Senate was approving the bill to legalize drugs, which will allow people to carry small doses of marihuana, cocaine, opium and other drugs.

There were no news of this significant legislation approval, which would be put into effect by the Camera of Representatives on April 28.

The writer emphasizes that although it looks as very innocent, other laws were also approved that Thursday, April 23, and it is called the Federal Police Law, with which this police force is provided with the following powers: The use of police plainclothes agents in the cases in which some investigation deserves it. (Hurra! Secret police), armed civilians’, more thefts and unpunished kidnappings).

The intervention of telephone calls. (Farewell privacy)

The federal police now will be able to intervene and even to retain e-mails if the situation needs it.

Will be granted the power to request private companies for personal information of their clients to help in their investigation.

The corporation will conduct spying duties, identification, monitoring and trailing in the Public Network of Internet on web sites, with the intention of preventing criminal conducts.

(Or rather to prevent coups d’état, marches, civil movements, etc. let’s not forget that the centenary of the this Revolution is around the corner).

This note is available here

On the other hand, on April 18, the International Monetary Fund approved a credit for $47,000 million dollars that the government of Mexico requested to confront the crisis, if $47,000 millions, or U$47,000,000,000 or 658,000,000,000 Mexican pesos, in a period of one year, this means that if there was a foreign debt, now it is and in big, but as always the ones who pay are the people, but returning to the topic, the newscasters only gave the news, it did not speak about the risks that comes with a loan of such magnitude neither how it affects the population.

And according to the article, the last reason to have created such a psychosis for a curable illness is this: President Obama did a visit to Mexico on April 16, what did they speak about?

­Some say that about national security, but the truth is that Obama was coming to clinch a deal (The North command) with which it accepts that American military men enter Mexico and little by little take possession of the territory, of the petroleum wells and the oil reserves at see.

The article continues stating that this well could have been the causer of some marches, closings of highways, civil mobilizations, and even raisings in arms on the part of the drug traffickers, but everything was appeased by the curiously opportune Influenza, so opportune that government offices (the syndicates) did not work; people were not going out to the streets and logically will not comment on anything. The only thing that they could do was to remain in house without another option than to turn the TV on and every 15 minutes to see some commercial to prepare for the influenza, and every 2 or 3 hours see some newscaster speaking all the time about the same.

Now then, is it an Epidemic or a terrorism of State?

The following video link tells more or less what it is through what we are living in these moments:

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