por Yashenka Baca y Mark Carney
Coro Hispano de SF
Machete DVD set for release
The revenge-drama, Machete, will be released on Jan. 4, 2011, on Blu-ray and DVD. The film, directed by Robert Rodríguez, who also directed Sin City and Grindhouse,stars Danny Trejo, Robert DeNiro, and Jessica Alba. In the film, Machete, played by Trejo, is left for dead, but alas! he is not; soon, all feel his wrath: assassins, paramilitary squadrons and a drug cartel. The Blu-ray disc contains many scenes of violence and nudity edited from the movie. It will cost $39.99, and the DVD $29.98.
Art exhibition in the Mission
Southern Exposure, a nonprofit visual arts organization founded in 1974 and located in the Mission district, will be exhibiting the works of three artists in Jan. 2011. Universal Remote, an exhibition created by Jaime Cortez, is a meditation on the life and death of pop musician Michael Jackson; Both are True, by Ginger Wolf-Suarez, deconstructs experience into its sensory particles; Every Stone Unturned, by Kenneth Lo, is a self-examination, by the artist, of his life’s purpose.
The exhibitions run from Jan. 7 to Feb. 11, with a reception to introduce the artists and their exhibitions on Jan. 7.
In addition, two of these artists, Cortez and Wolfe-Suarez, will present public programs. On Jan. 29, Cortez will curate a performance of Truth Be Told, which, like his exhibition, will explore the meaning of Michael Jackson’s death. Singer Cedric Brown, and authors Tisa Bryant, Joel Tan and Ignacio Valero will also be on hand to eulogize the selfproclaimed King of Pop. On Feb. 10, Wolfe-Suárez will lead a discussion, entitled Uncertainty of the Expanded Field, which will be, in fine, a lecture on the history of West Coast sculpture, followed by a panel discussion. Southern Exposure, 3030 20th St., SF. (415) 863-2141 or www.soex.org.
Kings’ Concert at the Mission Cultural Center
The Coro Hispano de San Francisco, funded in 1975 to celebrate the bicentenary of the Mission and leader in the preservation of the Latin American coral legacy, will present a free concert aimed at those who love their extensive vocal and group repertoire. With songs and music from Latin America, Spain and Portugal, the concert promises to make you dance from your seats and send you home happier than when you arrived. On Jan. 8, 2011, at 1 p.m., at the main Gallery of the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, 2868 Mission Street, San Francisco. (415) 821-1155.
Teatro Raw-Dios HeadRush Productions presents its new play Raw-God. When a popular radio DJ publically questions the war, he is forced to elect between the prestige and his principles. Meanwhile, the radio you listen will also have to decide what side they are in. Josie Talamantez, leader of Programming in the Counsel of Arts of California said “Master Raw-God, is a contemporary and incisive piece that combines a rich history, artistic quality and social comment.” January 20, 21 and 22, at 7:30 p.m. Admission $15. Young, students and seniors $12. Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, 2868 Mission Street, San Francisco. (415) 821-1155.