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HomePublic Notices /Legal NoticesSF Board of Supervisors Outreach January 2020

SF Board of Supervisors Outreach January 2020

Engage with the Port of San Francisco regarding waterfront resilience.  Join the Port for a 1.5 hour walking tour on January 11 around Islais Creek to learn more about the neighborhood history and ecology as well as the City’s work to mitigate and adapt to sea level rise. Meet at 10:00am at Islais Creek Promenade, located at 1698 Indiana Street. Additionally, the Port, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and other City partners are hosting an upcoming community meeting on January 30 from 5:30pm-7:00pm located at the Southeast Community Facility at 1800 Oakdale Avenue to encourage engagement on coordinated resilience projects in the Islais Creek/Bayview neighborhoods.  Join the Port and the Exploratorium in the northern waterfront for a Royal Walk with the King Tide on January 10 from 10:00-11:00am and January 11 from 10:45-11:45, located between Piers 3 and 5.  Stay engaged at sfportresilience.com!



Every 10 years, the U.S. Census Bureau is responsible for conducting the nationwide census. The Census Bureau is recruiting now to fill important temporary positions in San Francisco with great pay ($30/hour) and flexible hours for Spring 2020. You do not have to be a US citizen to apply.

Be a Census Taker and make a difference in your community! Apply online NOW at 2020census.gov/jobs.  

GET THE SALARY AND BENEFITS YOU DESERVE. Learn to identify your value, how to conduct objective market research and develop persuasive strategies with AAUW Work Smart Salary Negotiation Workshops presented by the FRIENDS of the Commission on the Status of Women, in partnership with the Commission/Department on the Status of Women.  Take the FREE and self-paced e-course at friendscosw.org/online or register for an in-person workshop at friendscosw.org/equalpay.  For more information, call 415.779.6636

Make a Difference, Become a Literacy Volunteer

Half of San Francisco’s 3rd and 4th graders are not reading at grade level. By volunteering to tutor through the Library’s award-winning FOG Readers program, you can help students in grades 1-4 increase their confidence and gain a half a grade level within the first three months. Currently, there are over 300 children waiting for a volunteer to help change their lives. For more information, visit sfpl.org/fog. To get started, email readers@sfpl.org.

Child support matters can be complicated, stressful, and confusing. The Department of Child Support Services helps parents understand the process so they know their rights and options for making and receiving support payments. Call us today at (866) 901-3212 or visit our office at 617 Mission Street to learn how we can help you. Information is also available online at www.sfgov.org/dcss.


The City and County of San Francisco encourage public outreach.  Articles are translated into several languages to provide better public access.  The newspaper makes every effort to translate the articles of general interest correctly.  No liability is assumed by the City and County of San Francisco or the newspapers for errors and omissions.


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