by Alex Meneses Miyashita
Janet Murguía
Seven Latina professionals were honored for their accomplishments by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute during its Latina Leaders Celebration Oct. 2.
The event was one of several that were part of the CHCl’s 2007 Hispanic Heritage Month-related activities held in Washington, D.C. from Sept. 30 to Oct. 3.
Activities included a two-day public policy conference hosted by Congressional Hispanic Caucus members, a comedy night featuring Carlos Mencia and an awards gala Oct. 3.
Among this year’s CHCI Latina leaders were award-winning actress América Ferrera, well known for her role as Betty Suárez in hit television comedy Ugly Betty.
Ferrera plays a shy but determined first generation young Latina who is employed at a fashion magazine and makes her way up the career ladder through hard work.
“I feel very honored and somehow very undeserving” of this award, Ferrera said.
The awards have been presented to successful, ground-breaking Latinas for the past five years by Rep. Hilda Solis (D=Calif.), who serves as the event’s honorary co-host.
“I’m happy that we had one of the premier young up-and-coming stars in the community, who spoke so very humbly, but also people who have been working for many years who don’t always get the pat on the back for doing all the hard work they do on behalf of the Latino community,” Solis told Weekly Report.
Other awardees included: Ivelisse Estrada, senior vice president of corporate and community relations for Univisión Communications Inc.
Aida Giachello, executive director of the Midwest Latino Health Research’Training and PolicyCenteratthe Universityof Illinois, Chicago.
Carmela Lacayo, president and CEO of the California-based Asociación Nacional Pro Personas Mayores.
Gloria Molina, member of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.