Thursday, March 6, 2025
HomeLatin BriefsSelling out the U.S.? Obama executive order has questionable motives

Selling out the U.S.? Obama executive order has questionable motives

compiled by El Reportero’s staff

In a quietly stunning move just before Christmas, President Obama signed an executive order to grant INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization) a new level of full diplomatic immunity on American soil.

Bob Chapman, a former U.S. Army counter-intelligence agent, now a successful economist and publisher of The International Forecaster, is available for interviews to explain precisely why this action should make U.S. citizens feel uncomfortable.

The media, as it is inclined to do with many of Obama’s carte-blanche decisions, has not been very critical of this order. In fact, if even reported, it is described as an innocuous, yet necessary, motion that some say was even overdue since INTERPOL established its first permanent U.S. offi ce in 2004.

ABCNews Senior White House Correspondent, Jake Tapper, for example, explains it away as offi cially exempting INTERPOL from U.S. taxes, and the search-and-seizure laws that would allow the U.S. to gain INTERPOL fi les pertaining to other nations—an act of espionage from which INTERPOL is protected around the world, otherwise its work would be compromised and meaningless.

But Chapman ain’t buying it, saying there is something ominous about an international police 2force—and a world organization second only to the U.N.—operating inside the United States with an authority that exists above the FBI.

“A total whitewash,” says Chapman, referring to Tapper’s explanation. “He writes a mini-historical novel that leaves out the fact that two Nazis headed INTERPOL in 1939 and 1940. The reason for (this immunity) is to hide anything damaging regarding politicians in INTERPOL files, and to have a foreign police force to be called upon to suppress the American public.”

If this isn’t enough to leave your audience wondering about the pieces being put in place for a New World Order under the current U.S. administration, wait until you hear how Chapman layers in Obama’s ongoing American-apology world tour, the “climate change” summits and the goal of the world banking institutions to destroy the dollar in favor of a world currency. Bob Chapman.

Race to the Top Bill passes Assembly

Senator Gloria Romero (D – East Los Angeles), Chair of the Senate Education Committee, today released the following statement regarding the Assembly’s passage of SB X5 4, a bill that would make California competitive and eligible for up to $700 million in a Race to the Top federal grant.

“This bill gives parents a voice and a choice in their child’s education,” said Romero. “I applaud the Assembly for their work. We are on our way to the top!”

SFMTA Implements AB 144: Penalties for disabled parking violations increased

The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) Board of Directors today approved penalty increases for disabled parking violations. The increase required changes to the California Vehicle Code, enacted in new law authored by Assemblywoman Fiona Ma (D-San Francisco).

“Disabled parking spaces are here for those with disabilities and not for drivers simply seeking an end around to putting money in the meter” said Assemblywoman Ma. “I am grateful that the SFMTA has taken swift action to stop and deter the widespread abuse. My hope is that people will now think twice before using an illegal placard or one that they bought off craigslist.”

“The abuse of disabled placards takes money out of our coffers and undermines the parking needs of people who legitimately use the placards,” said Nathaniel P. Ford Sr., SFMTA Executive Director/CEO. “Our goal is to deter the abuse of disabled placards in order to ensure that the limited parking resources in desirable locations are made available for those who truly need it.”

­Signed by Governor Schwarzenegger on Oct. 11, Assembly Bill (AB) 144 (Ma) allows localities to increase penalties for the abuse of disabled parking placards as of Jan. 1. Disabled parking placards offer those who require them an efficient way to increase their mobility. When these placards are misused, the disabled community is harmed and the local jurisdiction is robbed of vital resources.

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