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HomeEditorialSecrets of Skull and Bones secret society blown wide open

Secrets of Skull and Bones secret society blown wide open

[Author]FROM THE EDITOR:[/Author]

Dear readers, this week I bring you an article that deals and explains some of the in and out one of the exclusive club/organizations that include as its members some or most of the most powerful and society influential men within the powerful governing elite. The article, which partially is covered by investigative journalist, Paul Joseph Watson, arises from the interview he conducted with the daughter of one of its members. The article was written over two years ago, but it is pretty relevant to the present.


Daughter of Bonesman Charlotte Iserbyt lifts the veil on the mysterious secret society


[Author]by Paul Joseph Watson



In an exclusive Prison interview, Charlotte Iserbyt, former Senior Policy Advisor in the U.S. Department of Education under Ronald Reagan, blows wide open the mystique behind the enigmatic Skull and Bones secret society, drawing on her father and grandfather’s first hand knowledge of the Yale fraternity as Bonesmen themselves to provide a revealing insight into the history of the organization.

As a former high-level education official, Iserbyt exposes how Skull and Bones was instrumental in changing education into a form of operant condition that more closely resembled animal training than real intellectual advancement, by implementing experimental psychology techniques brought over from Germany. The aim was to abolish free thinking and free will, molding each person into a “valueless cog of the state”.

She also lifts the lid on how “sensitivity training” is used to impose collectivist, Communist-style thought control, ensuring that people can be easily manipulated into forming their opinions based on group-think and that any shred of individuality or thinking that contradicts the status quo is frowned upon.

Iserbyt reveals the secret Skull and Bones member list that was supposed to remain private, and how it was connected to the effort by elites in America to build up the Soviet Union during the cold war. Iserbyt touches upon the research of Anthony Sutton to reveal how Bonesmen protected each other when they were faced with questions from the House Committee on Un-American Activities concerning their support for Communists.

Iserbyt relates how she and Sutton came to the conclusion that the men contained on the secret membership list were almost completely responsible for American foreign policy as well as education policy during the time they were in power.

Iserbyt also talks about her Skull and Bones grandfather clock which her father always ordered be set five minutes ahead of time to symbolize the fact that Bonesmen were always one step ahead of the rest of society.

Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.


More background of this malefic secret society


The origin of the Skull and Bones Society, once known as The Brotherhood of Death, in the U.S. begins at Yale when a group of men established an organization for the purpose of drug smuggling. Indeed, many American and European fortunes were built on the China (opium) trade. [The Secret Origins of Skull & Bones] The society’s alumni organization, which owns its properties and oversees all the organization’s activity, is known as the Russell Trust Association (R.T.A.), and is named after one of Bones’ founding members.

It still exists today only at Yale and has evolved into more an organization dedicated to the success of it’s members after leaving the collegiate world. The shape of that success can only be left to speculation. The Skull & Bones Society has been described as the most secretive organization in the world.

Some of the world’s most famous and powerful men alive today are “bonesmen,” including George H.W. Bush and his son George W. Bush, Senator John Kerry, Austan Goolsbee (Chairman of President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers), Nicholas Brady, and William F. Buckley. Other bonesmen include ex U.S. President William Howard Taft, Morrison R. Waite (Chief Justice of the Supreme Court), Henry Luce (Time-Life), Harold Stanley (founder of Morgan Stanley), Frederick W. Smith (founder of Fedex), John Daniels (founder of Archer Daniels Midland), Henry P. Davison (senior partner Morgan Guaranty Trust), Pierre Jay (first chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York), Artemus Gates (President of New York Trust Company, Union Pacific, TIME, Boeing Company), Senator John Chaffe, Russell W. Davenport (editor Fortune Magazine), the first presidents of the University of California, Johns Hopkins University, and Cornell University, and many others.

All have taken a solemn vow of secrecy.

America’s Secret Establishment, by Antony C. Sutton, 1986, page 5-6, states: “Those on the inside know it as The Order. Others have known it for more than 150 years as Chapter 322 of a German secret society. More formally, for legal purposes, The Order was incorporated as The Russell Trust in 1856. It was also once known as the “Brotherhood of Death”. Those who make light of it, or want to make fun of it, call it ‘Skull & Bones’, or just plain ‘Bones’.

Above all, The Order is powerful, unbelievably powerful. If the reader will persist and examine the evidence to be presented – which is overwhelming – there is no doubt his view of the world will suddenly come sharply into focus, with almost frightening clarity.

It is a Senior year society which exists only at Yale. Members are chosen in their Junior year and spend only one year on campus, the Senior year, with Skull & Bones. In other words, the organization is oriented to the graduate outside world. The Order meets annually – patriarchies only – on Deer Island in the St. Lawrence River.

The Old Line American families and their descendants involved in the Skull & Bones are names such as: Whitney, Perkins, Stimson, Taft, Wadsworth, Gilman, Payne, Davidson, Pillsbury, Sloane, Weyerhaeuser, Harriman, Rockefeller, Lord, Brown, Bundy, Bush and Phelps.

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