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HomeNewsS.F. high schools students guaranteed spot at university

S.F. high schools students guaranteed spot at university

by Marvin Ramírez

San Francisco sixth graders will receive certificates guaranteeing them spots at SF State University when they graduate high school, if admission requirements are met.

This year SF Promise has begun providing sixth grade students with support during the school day to graduate and be ready for college.

SF Promise is a partnership with the city and county of San Francisco, SF State University and SFUSD that aims to double the number of SFUSD high school graduates who receive a post-secondary education and to increase the number of college graduates from underrepresented groups. The ceremony will take place on Tuesday, Feb. 3 from 12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m., S.F. City Hall, North Light Court.

Students get a chance to participate in sports and visual and performing arts classes

Students in after school programs all across the city will be showing off their dance moves and other artistic talents during the Revolution in Art and Dance (RAD) show.

After school programs provide more than just help with homework, they also give students a chance to take part in sports and visual and performing arts classes. Dance performances at this show will include a Chinese lion dance, Latin, Samoan, hip-hop, and a form of break dance known as “B-boyin’ and B’girlin.’ Thursday, Feb. 5, 2009, at 4:30 p.m. At Everett Middle School, 450 Church St. (at 6th St.).

Seminario gratuito: “Como comenzar un negocio en la Área de la Bahía”

Todas las personas que les gustaría abrir su propio negocio, pero no tienen ideas y no están preparados para iniciarlo, están invitados a asistir a un seminario gratis.

El semanario, presentado por Óscar Fernández, asesor de negocios y empresario, se llevará a cabo 5 de Febrero, 2009, de 6 a 8:30 p.m. en el Centro del Empresario del Small Business Administration, en el 455 Market Street, Sexto Piso, SF California [94105]. (Cerca de la estación de BART, esquina de la calle primera, “1st Street”).

­O llama a Benny Gutiér- rez (415) 744-8498, o Paúl Morales (415) 744-6788. Representantes del SBA, Small Business Administration.

El seminario es un esfuerzo conjunto de Nicaraguan American Chamber of Commerce Northern California con el Small Business Administration.

Pintora mexicana exhibe su trabajo en el Consulado Mexicano en S.F.

El Consulado General de México en San Francisco tiene el honor de auspiciar una vez más a la reconocida pintora Mariana Garibay, quien celebra la belleza y el misterio de la vida, a través de su exposición “Vida en todas partes” (“Life else-where”).

Su escultura, pintura y dibujo es el reflejo de imágenes urbanas que adquieren identidad propia gracias a la propuesta experimental de diversos materiales.

La fecha de apertura es el 12 de febrero de 2009, a las 6:00 p.m., en las instalaciones del consulado, ubicado en el 532 Folsom Street, San Francisco, CA 94105.

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