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HomeLatin BriefsRubio: “We need to prepare people” for war with Iran

Rubio: “We need to prepare people” for war with Iran

VP favorite shares appetite for war with CFR elite

by Paul Joseph Watson

Vice-Presidential frontrunner Marco Rubio told the elitist Council on Foreign Relations during an event last week that the American people should be prepared for a war with Iran. Rubio was asked by moderator Richard Stengel, “You would sanction a strike before you would tolerate a nuclear Iran?”

“Yes and I think that we need to begin to prepare people for that,” the Florida Senator responded. This is by no means the first time Rubio has publicly displayed his appetite to commit the United States to another unaffordable war.

During a Brookings Institution speech at the end of April, Rubio not only called for attacking Iran, but also advocated a military assault on Syria. Speaking of Iran, Rubio stated, “We should also be preparing our allies, and the world, for the reality that unfortunately, if all else fails, preventing a nuclear Iran may, tragically, require a military solution.”

He also said that Syria should become a target for “American leadership,” in the context of ignoring UN mandates and sending in American troops to directly help rebel fighters who, as we have documented, are being directed by Al-Qaeda terrorists.

“You need the center of gravity to instigate this coalition (supporting opposition groups in Syria) and move forward with a defined plan,” said Rubio. “In the absence of American power and American influence and American leadership, it’s hard to do that.”

Rubio’s rhetoric went down well with the Brookings Institution, an establishment think tank that openly admits in its own memos that the “responsibility to protect” humanitarian ruse is merely a crude pretext for long-planned regime change in Syria.

Rubio is currently joint favorite to become Mitt Romney’s running ­mate alongside junior United States Senator from Ohio Rob Portman.

The Florida Senator has been busy displaying his “foreign policy chops,” or in other words indicating that he will be a loyal servant of the military-industrial complex, during a series of recent speaking engagements at internationalist confabs.

Back in April, veteran Washington Post columnist Al Kamen suggested that Rubio is a favorite of the ultra-powerful Bilderberg Group, the collection of power brokers who have directly selected VP candidates in the last two U.S. presidential elections. Given the fact that pro-NATO Syrian National Transitional Council head Bassma Kodmani was in attendance at this year’s Bilderberg confab in Chantilly Virginia, the goal of toppling Bashar Al-Assad remains a front burner issue for the global elite.

(Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.)

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