Monday, March 3, 2025
HomeFrontpageRon Paul and the Iowa conspiracy

Ron Paul and the Iowa conspiracy

por Jack Blood

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone following the GOP Presidential Nomination process, that the establishment wants a

Romney 2011vs Obamney ticket for the general selection in 2012.

We believe that this is a thinly veiled plan to get Obama 4 more years as POTUS. But, How far would the Powers than be (no one ever really names or faces the dreaded “eSTABlishment” … Suffice to say its David Rockefeller – Wall St. and the Fed, from both the left and the right… ) I digress…How far would they go to get that “dream” ticket of Bilderberg vs Bilderberg, Tweed vs tweedy, elite vs elitist…?

Its fleshing out right now in Iowa.

It seems the plan might be familiar. Just as the mass media and her “pundits” have written off any Straw Poll victories captured by the Ron Paul Campaign (Paul Just won a few more of those in Florida over the last 24 hrs! You would hear that on the news though…) , so will they minimize a Paul victory in the Iowa Caucus this January 3rd. This is a certainty. If Paul wins, Romney is safe, and Newt is damaged goods.

With a near guarantee of M-Rom winning New Hampshire (not so fast) Live Free or Die… Romney’s “Home” State is NH because he has a beach house there… M-Rom would allegedly have a clear path to Florida. (SC going to anyone BUT Romney)

Maybe NH has other ideas: So to guide this in, even to help Ron Paul in Iowa will definitely serve the Romney campaign. Which is the goal. The MSM will do whatever they have to to arrange this.

Of course Newt will “protest” but being the good and fat Ol’ stalking horse he is, will eventually take his place back on the lecture circuit with a huge bonus for his trouble, saving him from what might have been bankruptcy, and scandal.

And just HOW can they make Iowa insignificant? Because if Ron Paul can win there, as the Huckster did in 08… it just cant be that important. Hear that Iowa?

The Establishment media is calling you dumb and insignificant – that is unless you do what your told, as you faithfully did in 2000 for George Jr. – The PTB didn’t get where they are by taking chances on the race. They FIX the race.

Here is just one of many examples of the media pouring it on Ron: Chris Wallace: A Ron Paul win in Iowa would ‘discredit’ state’s caucusesIts kind of a no lose plan if you are the elite. Hell, they gotta do something to stop the REAL protest against tyranny, which for many of us IS the Ron Paul Campaign! – So maybe they can stop Paul by working 24/7 to CON Iowans into thinking that a vote for Ron Paul is a wasted vote…. This has been tried successfully in the `past.


The “hitch” in this plan? What if Ron Paul does win in Iowa? Then the momentum helps him to win or get 2nd in NH… stay with me… then via the media coverage wave, during which voters will gain the same perspective we Paul supporters have had for years, that the media are dirty cheap whore liars… etc… Which turns voters against them, at which time they vote Paul in the south as a protest.

Or… Because of all the media coverage, the voters grow to know Ron Paul, and vote for him because they finally realize that he is the only honest man in the race.

Hey… it could happen. And because of the way the system works this time (up until april 1st – April Fools Day) the candidates will get points for placing and showing (not just winning) the primary states.

So realistically – Ron Paul could be a top tier candidate well into the spring. The wave of coverage would certainly turn on the Newt Rom campaign.

Not to worry though Mitt… If by some miracle Ron Paul does look like he could win the nomination, and the delegates cannot be swayed to steal it from him at the convention… they can just kill him and blame it a lone nut. (which might be Obama’s fate if he doesn’t reel this in.)

While its great to see Ron Paul doing so well, and the message of Liberty gaining traction… I am suspiciously cautious.

As always I “hope” for the best, I work to that end… but I prepare for FOUR MORE WARS and Cousin Barry O til 2016 and beyond.


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