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Public Notice – School District Act Initiatives

IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that the following bills will be submitted to qualified voters
County of San Mateo to vote on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 in the General Election
School District Act Initiatives
Bond Law Initiative
Measure ___ (55% Approval Required)
To improve student and campus safety including communication systems
and notification and renovate and construct classrooms and facilities in Jefferson, Oceana, Terra Nova,
Thornton, Westmoor and Adult High Schools will the District measure need to be passed?
of Jefferson United High Schools that will authorize $ 163 million in interest rate bonds
legal, which would raise an average of $ 10.2 million per year until they are amortized, with
annual tax liens of an estimated average of less than $ 0.03 per $ 100 of tax assessment,
annual audits, citizen oversight, and no increase in current estimated tax rates?
Bonds Yes ________ Bonds No _________
Bond Law Initiative
Measure ___ (55% Approval Required)
To update science, technology, engineering, math, art, and music instructional classrooms; repair
bathrooms, roofs, plumbing, sewer, electrical, heating and air conditioning systems
deteriorating; provide computers and technology for distance learning, learning environments
healthy and safe, including hand washing stations; acquire, construct, repair sites, facilities,
equipment; Should the San Mateo-Foster City School District measure be adopted that
authorize $ 409,000,000 in locally controlled bonds at legal rates, raising an average of ȼ3
per $ 100 of tax valuation ($ 26,600,000 annually) while the bonds are in circulation, with supervision
and independent audits by citizens?
Bonds Yes ________ Bonds No ________
Initiatives of Law of Special Districts
Measure RR (2/3 Voter Approval Required)
To preserve Caltrain service and support regional economic recovery, avoid congestion
traffic, make Caltrain more affordable and accessible, reduce air pollution with trains
cleaner and quieter electrics, make trips faster, and increase the frequency and
Caltrain capacity between Santa Clara, San Mateo, and San Francisco counties, should
the resolution of the Joint Powers Board of the Peninsula Corridor that levies a tax on
the sale of an eighth of a cent for 30 years with supervision and audits, which will provide approximately
$ 100 million annually for Caltrain that the State cannot withdraw?
IT IS ALSO NOTIFIED that the main arguments for or against the legislative initiatives
above may be submitted in writing to the Registration and Elections Division.
& Elections Division), 40 Tower Road, San Mateo, CA 94402, for printing and distribution to voters,
pursuant to the provisions of the California Elections Code, until 5:00 P.M. August 14
2020. The refutation arguments of the authors of said main arguments can be presented
in the same way until 5:00 P.M. August 24, 2020.
Printed arguments submitted to the voters will be titled either “Argument in Favor of Initiative
of Law ___ ”or“ Argument Against Initiative of Law ___ ”, and“ Rebuttal to the Argument in Favor of
Measure ___ ”or“ Rebuttal to the Argument Against Measure ___ ”respectively.
All arguments referring to the aforementioned bills must include the following
model declaration, which must be signed by each author and proponent, if they are different, of the
The undersigned proponent (s) or author (s) of the argument ___________ (main or rebuttal)
___________ (for or against) Initiative ___ on the Electoral Ballot of the
_____________________________ (name of election) for the _____________________________
(name of jurisdiction) to be held on _______________ (date of election), hereby
declare (s) that such argument is true and correct to the best of their knowledge and belief.
Signed Date
____________________________ ______________________________
____________________________ ______________________________
The main arguments should not be more than 300 words. Only one argument will be selected
for and an argument against each measure to be printed

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