BY MEANS OF THIS NOTICE THAT the following initiative
of law will be put to the vote of the qualified electors of the
Menlo Park City School District on Tuesday, November 2,
2021 in the Special Election.
Should the bill be taken to: protect schools
outstanding audiences, attract and retain high-quality teachers;
support essential academic and enrichment programs; Y
ensure a reasonable class size at Encinal, Laurel,
Oak Knoll, and Hillview by renewing the parcel tax that is
for defeating the Menlo Park City School District to a new
rate of $ 598 per parcel, which will expire after 12 years, providing
$ 4,600,000 each year, with exemptions for seniors,
annual adjustments, independent oversight, and that all funds
stay locally?
Otherwise _________
IT IS ALSO NOTIFIED that the main arguments in favor or in
against the aforementioned bill may be presented
in writing to the Registration & Elections Division.
Division), 40 Tower Road, San Mateo, CA 94402, for printing
and distribution to voters, in accordance with the provisions of the Code
California Election, until 5:00 P.M. August 13, 2021.
The refutation arguments of the authors of said arguments
Main can be presented in the same way until 5:00
P.M. August 23, 2021.
Printed arguments submitted to voters will be titled Now
be “Argument in Favor of Measure ___” or “Argument in
Against the Initiative of Law ___ ”, and“ Rebuttal to the Argument in Favor
of the Initiative of Law ___ ”or“ Rebuttal to the Argument Against the
Initiative of Law ___ ”respectively.
All the arguments referring to the aforementioned initiative of
law must have the following model declaration attached, which must be
be signed by each author and proponent, if they were different, of the
The undersigned (s) proponent (s) or author (s) of the argument ___________
(main or rebuttal) ______ (for or against) the Initiative
of Law ___ on the Electoral Ballot of ___________________ (name
of the election) of the _____________________ (name of jurisdiction)
to be held on _______________ (election date),
hereby declare (s) that said argument is true and correct
to the best of your knowledge and understanding.
Signed Date
_________________________ ___________________________
_________________________ ___________________________
The main arguments will not exceed 300 words. Will be selected
only one argument in favor and one argument against each
measure to be printed and distributed to voters. The
arguments may not have more than five signatures.
The authors of the main arguments for or against each
bill may draft and present rebuttal arguments
that do not exceed 250 words. Authors can authorize in writing
to any other person or persons to draft, present, or sign the
rebuttal argument. Rebuttal arguments may not carry
more than five signatures.
IT IS ALSO NOTIFIED that an inspection period will be established
10 calendar days for the public review of said arguments.
During this period, any registered voter eligible to vote in
the measure, or the election official, can request a mandate
court or an order requiring that some or all of the material
be amended or deleted. The argument review period
Major for or against ballot bills
will start at 5:00 P.M. of August 13, 2021 and will end on
5:00 P.M. of August 23, 2021. The review period of the
rebuttals to the main arguments for or against the
Ballot measures will begin at 5:00 P.M. of the
August 23, 2021 and will end at 5:00 P.M. from September 2
of 2021.
IT IS ALSO NOTIFIED that the Electoral Ballots for Voting by
Mail, Voting Center Ballots, and Ballots
Provisional Elections marked for the Election to be held
held on Tuesday, November 2, 2021 will be computed on the spot
listed below:
San Mateo County
Registration and Elections Division
40 Tower Road
San Mateo, CA 94402
IT IS ALSO NOTIFIED that in said election the voting places
They will be open from 7:00 A.M. hours, until 8:00 P.M. hours,
on the mentioned day.
Dated: Aug 13, 2021