Friday, February 28, 2025
HomeHealthProtect your family from cancer-causing fluoride

Protect your family from cancer-causing fluoride

by Jonathan Landsman

In the 1950s, within the United States, the fluoridation propaganda machine was in full swing. Television commercials brainwashed an entire nation into believing that a toxic (cancer-causing) substance would make children “healthier and happy”.

Now, as people are waking up to the lies, politicians and the conventional dental industry are shaking in their boots.

Discover the shocking truth behind the danger of fluoride consumption; learn how to protect your family and become an effective, natural health advocate. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour – Jonathan Landsman and Dr. David Kennedy provide the tools necessary to dramatically improve the quality of your water supply and save lives.

Fluoride usage can cause osteoporosis, birth defects, lower IQ plus much more

From the 1940s to the present time, Americans have been told that fluoride dramatically reduces cavities. But, the United States government and conventional dentistry do not want you to know what science has already been proven – better oral hygiene and dietary habits are why cavities have declined.

There were several studies to prove that consuming fluoride does not reduce cavities including a U.S. public health department report on 39,000 school children that was hidden, for quite some time, from the American public.

So, we must ask ourselves, “Why are we spending so much money to put fluoride in the water supply”?

Is water fluoridation part of a grand “social engineering” project plus a great way to increase disease (and profits) for conventional medicine? I’ll let you decide – but you should know that facts. Science has already shown that water fluoridation increases cavities, bone fractures; behavioral problems and cancer death rates.

The connection between water fluoridation and low thyroid function

Did you know that fluoride bio-accumulates within the body? In other words, the more you drink or eat – the more it will concentrate in body tissue. The brain and thyroid gland are two areas that fluoride loves to accumulate. Obviously, low thyroid function (due to fluoride toxicity) can cause fatigue, apathy, weakness, tiredness and, most importantly, a permanent lowering of the IQ within a developing fetus.

Water fluoridation is literally dumbing down an entire nation. I hope you can appreciate the profound significance of what you just read. Even the slightest reduction of thyroid function, in pregnant women, can cause serious neurobehavioral problems for future generations. Fluoride has also been shown to increase reproductive problems by reducing testosterone levels and sperm count.

Simply put, we’ve got to put an end to this dehumanization and criminal behavior – before it’s too late.

Get informed and help us spread a message of hope. Let’s pull together – for the sake of our family and friends. Join us for an empowering show about how to eliminate fluoride from our communities.

This week’s guests: Dr. David Kenney, Past President of IAOMT, health advocate and filmmaker

Learn how to end the use of fluoride in your community with knowledge and political influence Dr. David Kennedy is the Past President of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology. His BA is in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology from the University of Kansas (1967) and his Doctorate of Dental Surgery is from the University of Missouri (1971).

He is a world lecturer to the dental profession on the está poniendo su vida en peligro cuando la gente de aquí no lo quiere allí.

“Tenemos que analizar esto pieza por pieza”, concluyó Morris. “Si yo no tuviera una base espiritual, podría entender el asunto”.

Pablo, otro estudiante de Cal State Bakersfield, quien está estudiando para convertirse en un oficial de policía y no dio su apellido, se enteró del incidente Silva a través de su profesor de justicia criminal.

“Ha habido una gran cantidad de disparos y golpizas por parte de las fuerzas del orden. Deben formar a la policía para usar la no violencia o la fuerza no letal”, comentó.

La estudiante de Cal State, Amy López dijo que estaba frustrada porque no ha habido una reacción más pública, como una protesta estudiantil. “Alguien tiene que ceder. No debería dejarse en manos de otro grupo para decir algo. Yo debería pararme y hacer algo”.

Safety of dental materials in the human body. His lectures include (among others) addresses to the World Health Organization, the American Dental Society of Europe, the German BGD, and Brazil Rio Eco-Odonto.

Discover the shocking truth behind the danger of fluoride consumption; learn how to protect your family and become an effective, natural health advocate. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour – Jonathan Landsman and Dr. David Kennedy provide the tools necessary to dramatically improve the quality of your water supply and save lives. Natural News.

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