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HomecolumnPolice union commissar: if you resist, you should expect to die

Police union commissar: if you resist, you should expect to die

[Author]Submit with proper docility to the commands issued by the slave patrol

by William Norman Grigg


“We’ve heard a lot in the last number of weeks about what police officers can’t do, and what police officers shouldn’t do,” groused Patrick Lynch, designated spokesliar for the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, New York’s largest police union. “No one’s telling us what we are able to do, and what we should do, when we’re faced with a situation where the person being placed under arrest says, `I’m not going. I’m not being placed under arrest.’”

“What is it we should do?” continued Lynch, his voice colored by theatrical incredulity. “Walk away?”

If the would-be arrestee isn’t involved in an actual crime – that is, an act of aggression against another person – the only morally suitable answer is: Yes. The cop should shut up, go away, and refrain from molesting one of his betters. The experience might encourage him to find honest work.

“We don’t have that option,” Lynch insisted. “Nor would the public that called and complained about these crimes want us to. If they called, it’s important to them.”

In this fashion Lynch attempted to shift the blame for the killing of Eric Garner on merchants in the Staten Island neighborhood where the harmless man was killed through an act of criminal homicide by NYPD officers enforcing a demented “zero tolerance” policy regarding the sale of untaxed cigarettes. Lynch, who has spent his entire adult life as a member of the coercive caste, tried to depict Garner – a micro-entrepreneur – as a menace to the public, and a threat to commerce. Lynch appears to believe that the spectacle of police killing a harmless and unarmed man is less damaging to the local economy than allowing that man to sell loose cigarettes to willing customers.

Lynch resurrected the unproven claim that plainclothes officers had seen Garner commit an act of unsanctioned petty commerce, and that he resisted their efforts to abduct him on behalf of the state’s tax-consuming class. He carefully avoided mention of the fact that Garner, according to eyewitnesses, had broken up a fight while the officers, ever vigilant for economic “crimes,” refused to intervene.

“There is an attitude on our streets today that it is acceptable to resist arrest,” lamented Lynch. “That attitude is a direct result of a lack of respect for law enforcement.”

While it is the moral duty of every decent person to cultivate disrespect for law enforcement, that attitude is not to blame (if that’s the appropriate word) for the growing resistance to officially sanctioned abduction. That inclination is a direct reaction to the impudence, arrogance, and aggressiveness of police officers, their palpable contempt for the public they supposedly serve, their sense of tribal solidarity with officers who commit crimes against innocent people, and the institutional immunity they enjoy.

“The charge of resisting arrest is a very serious and dangerous one,” insisted Lynch. “The charge exists to encourage those being arrested to comply with the lawful orders of police officers so that those officers do not have to use necessary force to make that arrest.”

In other words: If you submit with proper docility to the commands issued by the slave patrol, they won’t have to beat or kill you.

Like most exponents of that view, Lynch assumes that any gust of verbal halitosis that escapes the wet hole at the bottom of a police officer’s face is a “lawful order.” For this reason he insists that resisting arrest “is a serious crime, and must be treated that way by all.”

In fact, resisting unlawful arrest – while considered an actual crime, and prosecuted as such – is an ancient, venerable, and indispensable right of free people. Under the still-valid Supreme Court precedent John Black Elk v. U.S. (1900), a citizen has a legally recognized right to use lethal force to prevent the consummation of an unlawful arrest.

Perhaps, somewhere in the reptilian recesses of what passes for Lynch’s mind, there is an awareness of that fact, and a rapidly coalescing fear of the prospect that the public will come to understand it, as well. This may be why he admonished PBA members to use “all the resources of the NYPD” when they are dealing with a member of the productive class who isn’t willing to endure the indignity and injury of a state-licensed abduction. In other words: Use any means necessary – including lethal force – to insure that resistance is futile. Babies on psychiatric drugs: crime with no punishment


In an unrelated commentary:


Babies on psychiatric drugs: crime with no punishment


by Jon Rappoport



Here is typical, circumspect, utter bullshit reporting from the mainstream:

“For the most vulnerable foster children, those less than 1 year old, foster children were nearly twice as likely to be prescribed a psychiatric drug compared to non-foster children.” (ABC News, November 30, 2011)

“Experts are also beginning to question the accuracy of diagnoses such as bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses in children, especially in foster children who may not always have access to comprehensive mental health services.” (ABC News, November 30, 2011)

The truth is, one baby, one child on psychiatric drugs is a crime.

There are no defining diagnostic tests for any of the 300 so-called mental disorders. Psychiatry isn’t science. It’s fraud, from beginning to end.

And then…babies on highly toxic psychiatric drugs…

…prescribed by doctors…

…who actually make eyeball diagnoses of clinical depression, bipolar, ADHD…

…in babies 0 to 1 years old…

The magnitude of this could only be gauged, to a partial degree, by locking up the doctors for the rest of their lives.


I and others have cited the massive toxic effects of the drugs. All the drugs. If you’re new to the subject, start by reading Dr. Peter Breggin’s breakthrough book, Toxic Psychiatry.

Babies. Poisoning the brains and nervous systems of babies. Claiming to know babies have a mental disorder. Babies. 0-1 years old.

Reporter Kelly O’Meara, who for years has investigated psychiatry, cites statistics in her article at Children In Shadow. In the US, babies 0-1 years old are ingesting psychiatric drugs at these rates (for the year 2013):

Anti-anxiety drugs (e.g., Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan)—249,669 babies.

Antidepressants (e.g., Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil)—26,406 babies.

ADHD drugs (e.g., Ritalin, Adderall, Concerta)—1,422 babies.

Anti-psychotic drugs (e.g., Risperdal, Seroquel, Zyprexa)—654 babies.

Meanwhile, major media outlets waffle and wobble about the crime, experts in journals debate the crime, no one in the mainstream calls it a crime, the Department of Justice does nothing, and the pharmaceutical companies make billions.

(Jon Rappoport Is the author of three explosive collections, The Matrix Revealed, Exit From The Matrix, and Power Outside The Matrix).

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