by the El Reportero’s news services

Pedro Almodovar and three stars of “I’m So Excited!” – Blanca Suárez, Miguel Angel Silvestre and Javier Camara – brought Spanish glamor to the opening night of the Los Angeles Film Festival with their latest movie.
The filmmaker from Spain’s La Mancha region, who noted that he has always been treated with great affection in Los Angeles, told Efe Thursday night on the event’s red carpet that the best way to connect with an American audience is to get people laughing from the start of the film.
“If I’m able to amuse people right away, that would be the best way to grab them,” the director in his pistachio-green suit said before entering the downtown Regal Cinema L.A. LIVE Stadium 14. “I think that in Los Angeles,and in America in general, people really like it that my movies are packed with situations and there’s a lot going on,” he said.
“They always find that entertaining. The most flattering thing I ever heard is that with the screenplay of each movie I’ve made you could make three different movies. It’s a public that likes to be entertained,” he said.
In a hurry to enter the theater on time – where some 300 people were waiting to see the movie – and give a brief introduction to his latest work, Almodovar laughed as he gave a quick summing up: “‘I’m So Excited!’ – It’s very much me,” he said before disappearing into a crowd of photographers.
Jennifer López to Receive Star No. 2,500 on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame
Singer and actress Jennifer López will receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for her contribution to the music world in a ceremony scheduled for June 20, the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce announced Thursday.
The Latino artist will be honored with star No. 2,500 on Hollywood Blvd. in Los Angeles, a milestone that will be marked with a special emblem on the sidewalk.
“Jennifer López was an obvious choice,” said Ana Martinez, the producer of the Walk of Fame ceremonies, who recalled that in 1994 star No. 2,000 was awarded to Sophia Loren.
The event will be broadcast live on the Internet via the organization’s Web page
Argentine Nat’l Library to unveil Jorge Luis Borges monument June 14
Argentina’s National Library plans to unveil a monument to Jorge Luis Borges on Friday, the 27th anniversary of the world famous writer’s death, officials said.
The full body statue by sculptor Antonio Oriana will honor Borges, who served as the library’s director from 1955 to 1973.
The work, which will welcome visitors to the library, will show the writer sitting on a bench surrounded by his books and his famous cane.
Oriana made the 800-kilo (1,762-pound) statue, which is 1.6 meters (about 5 feet) tall from a plaster mold filled with cement, sand and an iron skeleton.
The sculptor, who worked on a Borges statue in the 1970s but later abandoned the project, has created statues of painter Benito Quinquela Martin, doctor and politician Alicia Moreau de Justo and musician Astor Piazzolla.
Borges was born on Aug. 24, 1899, in the middle-class suburb of Palermo, which today is one of Buenos Aires’s more fashionable areas, and he died on June 14, 1986, in Geneva.
The author of the short-story compilations “Ficciones” (Fictions) and “El Aleph” (The Aleph), among many other works, received numerous international honors throughout his life, including the Formentor Prize in 1961, the Miguel de Cervantes Prize in 1979 and the Ollin Yoliztli Prize in 1981.
Borges, however, was never awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, an omission that many critics have attributed to his conservative leanings.