Saturday, March 1, 2025
HomeHealthOrganic food’s immense potential to heal the sick

Organic food’s immense potential to heal the sick

[Author]by S. D. Wells[/Author]


Let’s face it, many Americans eat like pigs. They pull up to drive-through windows and they sit down at pancake houses, and they order up a completely GMO meal, full of gluten, refined sugar, MSG, animal fat and sometimes even artificial sweeteners. They wash it all down and repeat the cycle within hours, sometimes three times in one day. Why? Don’t they know? Maybe they don’t care, but they will, later.

Time stands still when you’re sick. The world seems to stop spinning when you’re laid out in a hospital bed, with an I.V. stuck in your arm, waiting for a “diagnosis.”

Time just seems to stop, when you can’t work, you can’t enjoy anything and you’re miserable from some illness, disease or disorder that America seems to feed rather than try to prevent. So who’s feeding who? Are the corporations feeding the humans toxic food, or are the humans using their hands on their own free will to shove sickness into their mouths?

Believe it or not, organic food is a $15,000,000,000 industry yearly now. That’s 15 billion, not million, by the way. Are all THOSE people feeding themselves “life” — a healthy life that’s a choice to make, every meal, every snack, every drink and every personal care product? Of course it is. That’s what brings us to healing the sick with organic food, since your cells are all brand new about every three months. You could make that CHANGE in one season, my friend.

Inflammation Nation

The root cause of most pain, illness, headaches and other chronic sicknesses is simply inflammation. Hundreds of millions of people suffer from inflammation daily, because they do many of the following: Ingest fluoridated tap water, take pharmaceutical medications, take OTC (over the counter) medications, eat genetically modified foods (GMO), eat gluten, get flu shots, drink sodas and diet sodas, chew gum or candy laced with artificial sweeteners, apply topical lotions loaded with chemicals, eat bleached-white foods, eat conventional hormone-laden meat and drink conventional hormone-laden milk. This is just the tip of the iceberg, and the damage becomes exponential, as cells mutate and turn and attack living healthy tissue. That’s cancer.

Even the lack of clean whole food and clean spring water inflames the entire body, the tissues, the muscles and the brain. The heart is overworked and under-delivers the goods (nutrients), because there are none. They’ve been wiped out by pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, algaecides and toxic fertilizers used to grow toxic food for toxic humans in need of… wait for it… Obamacare!

Your cells are in a constant battle. They battle for oxygen and nutrition. Those are your good cells. Your bad cells are in a constant search — for sugar and carcinogens. Which cells will you feed with your next meal, and the one after that, and after that? Which cells will you feed with your next drink or snack, the healthy cells or the cancer cells?

Will you “feed the beast” that will destroy you once it has all the power, or will you feed the organic being that you were born to be, the machine with a heart and a brain?

Inside your body is a universe of enzymes, flora and healthy organisms that fuel the fire of thinking, doing and evolving. Will you put that fire out with processed junk science? Cancer cells can not live when your cells have plenty of oxygen. Win the daily battle. Win the long-term war. You are on the battlefield right now, and your hands and brain are your weapons. Use them. Do not pick up another piece of food that contains toxins. Heal your body and your mind, starting right now.

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