Tuesday, February 25, 2025
HomeFrontpageOregano: the most powerful antibiotic in the world

Oregano: the most powerful antibiotic in the world

by the staff of El Reportero

NOTE OF THE EDITOR: Here we present the third part of a four part series that tells about the surprising benefits of oregano and its uses and properties to improve our daily life.

— Oregano is an antibiotic. Its oil has been tested in laboratories and it has proved to be as powerful as pharmaceutical antibiotics, but without the associated dangers. Use it externally and consume it for any kind of infection.

Burns, cuts and grazes: immediately apply oregano oil to disinfect and reduce pain. A timely application can help to prevent blisters and scars by burns and also infections, allowing a quick recovery of the skin in all kinds of wounds.

Teeth and gums. Oregano oil acts as an effective pain relief for teeth, by killing the bacteria that causes pain. Apply the oil directly on the infected tooth. For gum problems, apply the oreganooil in the gum with a clean finger or by pouring one drop in the toothbrush before brushing. Regular treatment improves dental hygiene.

Intoxication: According to a recent study, approximately 20 per cent of the samples of meat obtained in stores contained bacteria resistant to antibiotics. Vegetarians can also be affected, as Salmonella and E. Coli have been found in vegetables such as iceberg lettuce or alfalfa germen. The food in restaurants is continuously contaminated due to bad hygiene or to inappropriate washing procedures.

After eating, take from 3 to 5 drops of oregano oil, as a measure of prevention. If some symptom persists, take 3 drops each hour for up to 10 hours or until the symptom disappear. Natural antibiotics, such as oregano oil, don’t generate antibiotic resistance, as the pharmaceutical products do. Use oregano oil to stimulate your immunologic system and to eliminate any pathogenic bacteria. This natural medicine serves as a defense against biological toxins.

Antiviral cold, flu and herpes: Daily intake in order to maintain a strong immunologic system and to weaken the virus. At the first signal of a viral infection, immediately take from 3 to 6 drops and continue with a maximum of 3 drops an hour during 10 hours maximum. In the case of herpes, besides taking oregano oil, it is advisable to apply the oil directly in the place where you first felt the tickle before the rash, as this would usually stop the rush. Due to the sensation of heat, oregano shouldn’t be used in sensitive skin areas or mucosa membrane.

Don’t use it in genitals without before having diluted one or two drops of oregano oil in one tablespoon of olive oil and first try it in small amounts. When it is applied at the first symptom, most of the viral conditions will become harmless. Warts can be treated by applying oregano oil directly to the wart, using a piece of cotton. It’s better to leave the cotton with oregano oil stuck to the wart as long as possible, fixing it with scotch tape. Repeat this procedure from 2 to 3 times a day and put 3 drops under the tongue 3 times a day during several months. It can be useful to cut the surface of the skin, in order to allow the oil to penetrate up to the root of the wart.

Antidote Oregano oil is able to neutralize poisonous bites. It is very effective as first aid against all kinds of poisonous bites, such as bees’, snakes’ and spiders’. Oregano oil is also useful to prevent infections and reduces inflammation and pain. Apply it directly to the wound; the oil will penetrate in it and this would neutralize toxins ­and pathogens. Take a few drops to increase the effect.

Next week we will finish discovering the benefits of oregano as a major component of our diet.


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