by Contessa Abono
Superintendente Carlos García
On Jan. 17 local and state offi cials, parents and students gathered at the San Francisco Unified School District headquarters to send a clear message to the governor regarding his proposed cuts to education. “This is a time to stand united for children. Kids didn’t create this fi scal crisis and their progress shouldn’t be undermined because of it,” said Superintendent Carlos Garcia.
Currently, California’s per pupil spending is one of the lowest in the nation; according to a recent Education Week report, California spends an average of $1,900 less per student than the national average.
School officials are waiting for more details of the Governor’s proposed budget and will perform further analysis to determine the impact of the reductions. According to San Francisco schools’ superintendent Carlos Garcia, the district is preparing for a fi scal state of emergency.
Garcia said that the SFUSD would be expected to cut as much as $40 million from its budget. The cuts for San Francisco’s public schools would be part of the largest one-time, statewide cut to education since voters passed Proposition 13 in 1978.
Major increase in students at City College of San Francisco
Enrollment for the spring semester 2008 which begun Jan. 14 at City College of San Francisco is up from the pervious semesters with an increase of 2,400 more students.
Philip R. Day
The college has responded by increasing the number of credit sections by 120. The College usually offers around 3,500 credit sections per semester. It also offers 1,120 free noncredit sections per semester.
This is said to be due to the recent opening of the new Mission Campus and the Ocean Campus including the Community Health and Wellness Center with a new full-sized pool.
But the University of California and California State University systems are considering expected cuts in revenue caused by the state’s $14.5 billion budget deficit.
“It is important for the community to know that with all of the discussion regarding the State Budget crunch and the responses of the CSU and UC systems to the crisis that the door remains open at City College of San Francisco,” said Dr. Philip R. Day, Jr., Chancellor of City College of San Francisco.
Enrollment of new credit students continues through February 1. Noncredit students can enroll anytime during the semester. Easy on-line registration is available at
Healthy Kids programs may Prevent 1,000 child hospitalizations, saving $7.3 Million
New data show that Healthy Kids, a locally-funded health insurance program for children, saves the State of California and the federal government up to $7.3 million annually in health care costs by preventing more than 1,000 unnecessary child hospitalizations per year. The study findings are to be released in full in the February 2008 issue of Medical Care.
To find out more visit
Money put towards firefighters cancer fund
Scott Health and Safety, a premiere manufacturer of innovative respiratory protection equipment is presenting a check of $5,000 to the San Francisco Fire Fighters Cancer Prevention Foundation.
“It is know that Firefighters suffer higher rates of cancers than the average population,” said Fire Chief Joanne Hayes-White.
Between the support of companies such as Scott Health and Safety and the good work that the S.F. Firefighters Caner Prevention Foundation is doing, Firefighters will have a much better chance of living longer, healthier lives.”