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Obama hides behind ‘Executive Privilege’ in damage control over ‘Fast and Furious’

The federal government’s criminal Hegelian plan to create crime along the U.S. border an then ride in as the savior with new gun restrictions – is now in retreat­

by Patrick Henningsen

The House Oversight Committee hearings have put both Eric Holder and the White House on their back heels this morning, further fueling a scandal which has now forced the White House into a rear-guard action.

In a move that is certain to fuel speculation about Barack Obama’s knowledge of the Federal government’s clandestine gun-running operation into the Mexican black market, the President has moved to claim ‘executive privilege’ regarding any documents relating to the notorious “Operation Fast and Furious.”

The case has reached a critical juncture as the House panel has finally moved to hold Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. in criminal contempt after he failed to comply with official Congressional requests to hand over thousands of cables and documents relating to the scandal.

According to reports this morning from the Washington Post: “In a letter sent to Obama late Tuesday, Holder urged Obama to exert executive privilege, because sharing internal documents with lawmakers could “have significant, damaging consequences.”

Sharing the documents “would inhibit candor of such Executive Branch deliberations in the future and significantly impair the Executive Branch’s ability to respond independently and effectively to congressional oversight,” Holder wrote to Obama.

Last night, the embattled US Attorney General Eric Holder attempted to cut a deal with the House and Senate committees, hoping to walk free in exchange for handing over missing documents – but Holder’s offer was rejected by House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) who plans to move ahead with a motion for contempt.

The Washington Post details Holder’s attempt at a backroom escape from suffering contempt charges:

The attorney general met Tuesday night with leaders of the House oversight committee and the Senate Judiciary Committee in hopes of reaching an agreement that would have Justice hand over requested documents in exchange for the House panel dropping its plans to vote on contempt charges Wednesday.

If the House committee cites Holder for criminal contempt, it would open a process that would require House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) to schedule a floor vote. If passed by the full House, the matter would then move to the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, Ronald C. Machen Jr., who is an employee of the Justice Department.

Holding an Executive Branch official in contempt of Congress is rare, having occurred just four other times in the last three decades.

Since the scandal surfaced back in early 2011, commentators had warning that the gravity of the arms trafficking crimes in question could make ‘Fast and Furious’ this White House’s Watergate moment, and a potentially devastating blow to the flagging Obama during the run-up to this November’s US Presidential election.

During a in-depth ­ investigation into Fast and Furious, it was discovered that ATF, DEA and FBI agents working under the direction of the US Department of Justice, were illegally acquiring firearms through straw purchasers in states like Arizona, and then intentionally flooding the black market around the Mexican border regions with thousands of illegal guns – in order to demonize and regulate gun sellers in US border states. As a result, multiple lives were lost at the hands of gangs using Fast and Furious weapons including federal agents in the line of duty. The operation was ultimately designed to set the stage for further restrictions on the Second Amendment and increased gun restrictions in the near future.

Obama’s latest retreat towards executive privilege may be construed by the public and some media as an indirect admission of guilt by association, and will most likely lead to an increase in damage control from White House spin doctors – hoping to avert a similar fate suffered by Richard Nixon, whose cover-up went from bad to worse and eventually led to his humiliating resignation.

Ultimately, Fast and Furious could be the straw which breaks this administration’s grip on the strings of power in the White House.

Watch this mini-documentary on ‘Fast and Furious’ from early May 2012:

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