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HomeNewsOakland Museum announces Black History events

Oakland Museum announces Black History events

by Juliet Blalack

Los Latin Rhythm BoysLos Latin Rhythm Boys

The Oakland Museum of California will offer events about Black history from Jan. 8-Feb. 25, according to the museum’s website.

The programs include dance, music, films, and spoken word and storytelling performances, and are either free or included in the price of museum admis- sion ($8, $5 for seniors and students).

The first event is a showing of the fi lms Banished and The Apollos as well as a panel discussion, all on Jan. 8 from 6:30-9 p.m. In Banished, filmmaker Marco Williams visits three towns African-Americans fl ed from during the Civil War. The Apollos documents a group of students’ fight to make Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday a national holiday.

The museum is located at 1000 Oak Street in Oakland. To view a schedule visit http://www.museumca.org/press/press_bhm_2008.html. To learn more call 510-238-2200.

Music and food at Club Puertorriqueño

The Latin Rhythm Boys and Baile de Reyes y Octavia will perform at Club Puertorriqueño de San Francisco on Jan. 12 from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m.

Admission is $10 in advance and $15 at the door and Puerto Rican food will be for sale as well. Visit http://www.clubpuertorriquenosf.com for more info.

Ethnic dance festival public audition show

Dance groups from all traditions are performing at the Palace of Fine Arts for two weekends in January, and the public is welcome to watch.

Each day between 25 and 30 groups will perform. Groups represent traditional styles from India, Mexico, Spain, Brazil, Cambodia, Turkey, Polynesia, Tibet, Ireland, Egypt, Scotland, and more.

For $7 a day, anyone can see the contestants for the June 2008 Ethnic Dance Festival. The days are Jan. 12-13 and 19-20, and the Palace of Fine Arts is located at 3301 Lyon Street in San Francisco. To see a schedule, visit http://www.wordartswest.org. Call 415-752-2483 for more information.

Green Party presiden- tial debate

The four contestants on the Green Party ballot will debate on Jan. 13th at 2 p.m.

One speaker is Cynthia McKinney, a Democratic representative who has served six terms. Ralph Nader, a former presidential candidate and long time activist is also speaking. The other two debaters are Jared Ball, a university professor, and environmental engineer Kent Mesplay.

The debate will be held in the Herbst Theater at 401 Van Ness Avenue in San Francisco. Charge is $10-25 on a sliding scale. Visit ­http://www.acgreens.org/debate ­for more information, or ­call 510-914-8355.

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