Monday, March 31, 2025


The Peralta Community College District is calling for sealed bids for the Laney College Door Replacement Project (Bid No. 18-19/29) to be delivered to the Purchasing Department, at 501 5th Avenue, Oakland, California, 94606, until 2:00 pm, on June 5th 2019.

SB 854 requires any contractor or subcontractor bidding on a public works project to register with the Department of Industrial Relations (“DIR). This is a Public Works project and will require payment of prevailing wages. In order to perform the work, Bidders at the time of the Bid Opening and for the duration of the project shall possess a valid California Contractor’s license and certifications in order to qualify to perform the Work: Class B1 or C28 Contractors License.

The project consists of repairing and replacing doors throughout the campus. This includes but is not limited to the installment, adjustments, repairs or replacement of Metal, Storefront, Automatic Doors and all associated hardware. All work shall meet ADA compliance, CBC Title 24, ADAAG as well as California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 3235.

A mandatory bidders’ conference will be held on May 21, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. in the Conference Room #1 at the Department of General Services at 333 East 8th Street, Oakland, CA 94606 (510)466-7346.

All bids shall be presented in accordance with the bid specifications for this project. Bid documents and specifications will be available by May 6, 2019 at the Bay Area Builders Exchange or by visiting our website at and under “Quick Links”, click “Business Opportunities” to download the bid packet

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